2 months Iron Re-test Labs are BACK!!!
It's been an entirely long and exhausting two months from learning I was anemic to trying to get my iron levels up...My red blood levels are up in the normal range and my blood platelets down to normal...I still have issues to work out but I am well on my way to healing! I am just so relieved! I have not talked to the doctor yet either...I just popped in and printed the results! She'll call me soon! I owe it to all the research I did on types of iron and Iron Deficiency Anemia.... and being a bit of a rebel and taking responsibility for my health since my general practioner doesn't understand about malabsorption and I didn't either...When she prescribed me Ferrous Sulfate, I just knew that if I took it for two months, I'd be joining the many other anemics who tried to use it to raise their levels and failed and would have to have Iron infusions or blood transfusions. Ferrous Sulfate made me ill. Gave me pain and constipation too...and it's toxic! On Feb 26th I had six low counts in my CBC's...All are in normal range!!!!! My blood platelets were high and are in normal range. My RDW was high...and is even higher now...It is the only thing off at the moment. I don't know what that means yet...and I still have deformed blood cells and shapes and sizes...but everything else is good! 26 Feb Ferritin was 5.1 ------- today it is 16 26 Feb Iron was 22 -------------today it is 55 26 Feb Iron saturation 4.5-----today it is 16.5 26 Feb UIBC and TIBC's were high-----today they are in normal ranges! I have no doubt that I can get the my Iron stores back into a good range now that my blood ranges are almost all back in order! All my research kept pointing me to two intriguing irons...One being Carbonyl Iron (Tender Iron) Which I get at a very decent price from Vitalady and Iron as an amino acid chelate. (Natures Plus) I have been using both...Both are chewable which I truly believes helps with absorption (Tastes good too!)...Both are non toxic in high dosages...I still liked what I read about the Carbonyl better than the other, but decided that I would take both...I chewed 325 mg of carbonyl with a chewable Vit C as asorbic acid in the morning and 108 mg of Iron Amino acid chelate(complete with Vit C) at night...with Ester C Chewable. I learned that taking high doses of Iron can deplete Zinc and Copper...So I supplemented these two vitamins in addition to the Iron since I am low-normal on most of my vitamin stores. I read how certain amino acids help heal blood cell production and made certain to get in a complete protein supplement with all the aminos. I worked on a magnesium deficency in addition to the Iron Deficiency....And began taking two Centrum chewables daily without fail, as I should have been all along, rather than when I remembered or when I felt like it. I have another 4 months to check on my vitamin levels again, but I have a feeling I'm doing really good! I can almost say with confidence that I've just about got this thing under control! Thank you Michelle (Vitalady) for a wonderful Iron Product (and other awesome and easy to order vitamins and supps! ) She's a wealth of information and Tender Iron has proven itself to be a magic little pill....13 magic little pills to be exact! I hope Doc clears me from any radical treatments...I really think I have this beat! Thanks for letting me share! Anita
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
~Sandie~ -147!!WLS:12-12-06:Preop 268,Ht.5'4",BMI 44.9
Click on link to see my journey!!!
"Do unto others as you'd have done to you"~ The Golden Rule to Live by!
You are what you EAT and WHO you hang out with! Choices=Outcome~ what's YOUR choice??
I'm not perfect but I am going to die trying!!!
RNY 5/27/2002

Lorri... Yes! i got your email! I've been crazy insane here...Been trying to catch up on emails and posts! And family stuff and logging food ...EEK! Summer gets nutso for me! That RDW getting higher kinda puzzled me. Since everything else that was high went down and everything that was down went up...That was the only thing that went from bad to worse. That's why I'm still not too sure what the doc will say...They did a manual count of the types of blood cells and they were still pretty messed up! I guess that's the reason for the RDW...but I didn't read up on that when I posted...I was just so excited to have good news! I couldn't wait to get all my ducks in a row and wait til the doc spoke! LOL As for babies...I know! That's when my body and eating went south too....My first baby is 21! My gosh! That's the age I was when I got prego with him...That little stinker helped me gain 85 lbs with him...and he stayed an extra month! 10 months of pregnacy...That was the first time I was anemic too and had a blood transfusion after I had him...Almost lost the little boogger too. He never stopped being a difficult kid! LOL Love of my life though... 10 years huh? You can do it....At this point I feel like I can do ANYTHING I put my mind too...getting my mind there is another story...I'm glad you're back too! Hugs

~Rich~6'5.0"~open RNY~08/05/2004~>500+/450/437/250/239/320(high/consult/preop/goal/low/current)