How many calories can we take in and still lose weight?
Daily caloric intake has so many different factors that play a part~it depends on your own metabolism, your workout routine, etc. I know there are a lot of people here that stick around 1200 calories per day~I can't function on that few and usually do about 1800-2000 (sometimes more), but I have a pretty strenuous workout routine throughout the week and my body needs the fuel to burn. One thing that really helped me was going to . It figures out your caloric needs based on age, weight, etc and then asks if your trying to gain, maintain or lose 1 or 2lbs per week then it gives you a number to shoot for. It also will factor in your workouts and give you more calories for that day depending on what workout you did. It has been very eye opening for me!!! So, I guess everyone is different and it takes some trial and error to figure out what range is best for you. Trying going back to basics and just following protein first, no drinking 30/30, etc and I bet you'll do well! Good Luck!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
on 4/30/08 11:59 pm