I need balanced information!

on 4/29/08 12:58 pm - Seattle, WA
I am pre-op and doing as much research as I can before surgery in September.  Lately, I've been reading several blogs warning me about the dangers of weight loss surgery two or more years out (severe anemia, vitamin deficiencies, hypoglycemia, etc.).  Warnings of turning back while I still can.  This has has really scared me!  I have diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.  I also have approximately 110 pounds to loose and I feel this is the right decision for me but is this truly what happens 2 or more years out? For those of you who have some time under your belt, can you please tell me what complications, if any, you've had?  It will give me great peace of mind. Thanks everyone!

Everything is alright in the end.  If it's not alright, it's not the end.

- My mom

on 4/29/08 4:58 pm - Southeast, MI
No one can give you a guarentee as to how YOU will do.   For me, I am almost three years out of open RNY surgery.  I had high blood pressure and severe arthritis.  My knees were in such bad shape, I could barely walk, and knew it was only a matter of time before I would need a cane, walker, or wheelchair.  My morbid obesity impacted every area of my life.  After researching the surgery for five years, I decided that it was my final option.  A lifetime of dieting, losing weight and alway regaining it, convinced me that I would never permanently lose the weight without surgical intervention. I had two early, common surgical complications.  I developed a seroma at the open incision.  An RNY is rarely done open anymore, so this doesn't happen much now.  At four weeks postop,  my stoma closed, I started vomitting, and I needed an endoscopy to enlarge the opening.  Since then, I have had absolutely no complications.  I take supplemental vitamins, calcium, B12, and iron everyday.  I do not have anemia, vitamin deficiencies, or hypoglycemia.  There are some people who do.  Most are still happy they had their surgery, but not all.  I have gone from being super morbidly obese with a BMI of over 58, to being "normal", a BMI of 23. This surgery requires a lifetime dedication of work, of always having to make good food choices, to working out, to taking your supplements.  If you don't want to, or can't do these things, rethink the decision to have the surgery.  I do not have the words to convey the quality of life I now have in comparison to my old life.  I still have the great family and friends, and I still struggle with the same problems of life, too.  But I simply enjoy my life more now, I am a full participant in it instead of watching things from the sidelines. Good luck with what ever you decide.  Yes, there is the potential of complications with this surgery, but aren't you already living with complications?
Robin W.
on 4/29/08 10:21 pm - Franklin, OH

For me I can make this short and sweet.  Over 4 years out and NO COMPLICATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! Labs GOOD  (and I hope I don't get flamed for this)  I only take a Mulit-vitamin, B-12 and Calcium Citrate when I remember.  I can eat anything I want BUT I do try to make BETTER CHOICES.  If I do chose to have ice cream, cake, pie  or candy it's ONLY a bite or two not the whole thing. Yes I do still DUMP if I eat to much of the WORNG thing.    You also have to remember that most  people DON'T tell/blog about SUCCESS because they are to buzy LIVING their NEW LIFE   I know for me I'm spending less and less time on OH as the years pass. Good Luck,  Robin

4'10" - 47 I'm short but not petite and I will weigh more than a 5th grader
Start weight 220 
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"  Dr. Seuss

Tracy B
on 4/29/08 10:32 pm - Erie, PA
I am 3+yrs out and so far no complications. Labs look good, feeling good. I can remember reading thru hundreds of profiles to get all the info I could on everything and anything. You're smart to do your research! Good Luck no matter what you decide to do!

~*~Tracy B~*~

328/160 *** 5'9"

(deactivated member)
on 4/29/08 11:05 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH

There are risks on both sides of the equation - having surgery, not having surgery.  You have to balance the risks of possible complications with what you have to gain.  There are many folks -- myself included -- who are several years out from our surgeries living great lives with no complications.  But there are also people who have more extensive malabsorption, which leads to other health problems for them.  And there's no way to predict whether that will happen to you.  Most of it's pretty manageable, but it is a struggle for the people who are affected; they've traded one set of health issues for another.  Although some would still choose WLS, even with the problems they've had.   All that being said, you'll probably find a greater number of people who've had few complications and are extremely happy with the results of their surgery....  You can count me in that camp.   Good luck with your continued research and with whatever you decide to do!!! Kellie

on 4/30/08 12:07 am - Seattle, WA
I feel so much better reading all of your posts.  It's so good to hear from people who have few problems and no regrets. I am prepared to make the life changes it takes to be a healthy weight.  All of my family members have diabetes and two have died from complications.  I am determined to stop that trend and I really do feel this is the best way to do it for me. Thanks you for your encouraging words. Nancy

Everything is alright in the end.  If it's not alright, it's not the end.

- My mom

(deactivated member)
on 5/1/08 9:54 am - Santa Cruz, CA
I've recently started hearing all about how terrible our RNY is after a period of time--yet I'm so much healthier  than I've been in years--and the person who is yakking so loudly about RNY health problems has been in and out of the hospital with major infections relating to several surgeries, one of which was her lap-band....go figger. That being said, we are all different.  I've been great , she hasn't, but it wasn't because of the surgery it was entirely something separate.   Do what is right for you.  Take care of yourself.  When people say "protein first, sip sip sip, walk walk walk" it's because that is what works.   Nobody knows what complications can happen.  But there are times when people who HAVEN"T had GBS have gotten very ill and died--what does that mean?? Good luck!
.Anita R.
on 4/30/08 12:55 am - Stafford, VA

Before surgery I was a 315 lb diabetic, high cholesterol, hiatal herniated, Chronic GERD sufferer(meds), with severe arthritic knees (Which I needed a cane and meds for), Hypo-thyroid (meds) and no energy, couldn't breathe, couldn't sleep...couldn't walk...and was at the end of hope for a healthy or happy future...in as much pain (meds) as I was in. After surgery...I have ZERO of the above and ZERO medications for any of the above...Not one thing. I am 150lbs lighter and I have kept my weight off for 4 years. While I have strayed from the strict guidelines a little here and there...I must say that the guidelines themselves are such a small and easy set of rules in comparison to the suffering I gave up for them.  But dieting and exercise is only half the guidelines. Taking vitamins and protein supplements are also a part of the upkeep of being thinner and HEALTHY.  I neglected that part of the rules. I stopped taking a multivitamin and iron because the flavor after a few years just got old and tiresome...Bad idea!  No...STUPID, idea.  Hind -sight is 20/20... I took these things when I remembered...and not on a daily routine like I KNEW I should...Even when I developed a magnesium deficiency (Which my dad has too and never had WLS)  I didn't get on a daily supp for that. I only took it when I had muscle spasms... My fault again.  As of now I am low in many of my vitamins with no side effects at all...but a reminder that I MUST follow the rules no matter how great I look or feel. I am also anemic...and again, I have been before wls and it runs on my moms side of the family. Everytime you step into your car and drive down the road, you take a risk...but going out for food (or that great sale at Macy's) is worth the risk...Everytime you go into a crowded place you take the risk of being at the wrong place at the wrong time with some crazy angry person...You reinforce your house for heat and strength because you want it to keep you safe. It's the same with your body...If you don't take the precautions to keep it healthy...it cannot serve you.  But sometimes no matter how hard you try...a hurricane or tornado rips apart a perfect home....No one can predict these things...and many things can be prevented just by following the rules and something are just going to happen no matter what you do.  So you find the remedy and you get it fixed the best you can. Yes...I've had some complications...anemia is the biggest one...and I just got it now at 4 years and I don't know yet what is going to happen.  I don't know if I have to have radical treatment yet or if I just got lucky again and was reminded that I have to follow the rules.  It is a hurdle in my perfect little journey...absolutely...but it still doesn't compare to the pain and suffering before WLS....Not even close. I'm not even scared because I know it's just a matter of finding which way to get my ironand vit levels back up. After that...It's back to maintenance just like the whole lot of us!  If I knew then what I know now...would I do the RNY again?  Oh hell yes! Without a second thought. Only I'd be a better "maintanence man" to myself and remember that weight loss is not the only part of wls...but health is also a part of maintanence. Yearly labs and check ups....Paying attention to symptoms and not ignoring them...It's all a part of EVERYONE'S life...not just us WLS people.  As far as anemia...it is a common disease among ALL people...not just WLS people...and that's the reason the government "fortifies" or "enriches" food with the vitamins most people are likely to become deficient in...Vit D is added to milk....Iron and  A and B vitamins are added to cereals and grains....Look at the fad in vitamin waters...It's no coincidence!  These things are added because WE ALL are poor at getting in our important vits and minerals with food alone!  Some of us, worse than others... Peace of mind?  Go in any store and you will find AISLES of vitamins and supplements to choose from...Find just one box of childrens cereal that is not fortified with multivitamins...Why?  Because many people need them...except probably people who get in more than double the normal caloric intake and thus, get in plenty of vitamins and minerals. Ahh...yes...the simple morbid reality of it all. It's quite simple...For me it may have only been an ounce of prevention...or it might have been my fate. No one really knows...I know what my fate would have been if I didn't have WLS...and I wouldn't trade a day to go back into that body and undo my surgery. Sorry this was so long...but now that you know how important the rules are and are armed with what I didn't know or believe or took for granted...You have that ounce of prevention that I walked away from....Will you have no complications?  No one can tell you that you won't. 

on 4/30/08 1:39 am - Seattle, WA
What a great post!  Thank you so much for sharing that.  I can see how easy it would be years after the surgery to feel comfortable and not feel the need to do the things you should to stay healthy.  This is a great reminder that it is a life long process and how important it is to be diligent.  I feel I'm ready for this or at least as ready as I can be. Good luck with your health issues.  I'll be thinking healing thoughts!

Everything is alright in the end.  If it's not alright, it's not the end.

- My mom

.Anita R.
on 4/30/08 2:11 am - Stafford, VA

Well thanks...I figured you might want to hear a little from the tarnished side of the coin...and I too wish you much success and health and happiness with whatever you decide! It's a big choice! I found this quote that I wish I had added to that ook I wrote above!  LOL  Sorry about that! "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole, experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure." ~ Helen Keller I thought that pretty much summed up my feelings....and just wanted to share that! Hugs, Anita

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