Low Blood Sugar
Hello: I have not been on in quite a while. I am 4.5 years out and am having increased low blood sugar issues. I had issues before my bypass for years if I ate carbs alone. Once I had the surgery it disappeared for a while but came back if I say, had a bagel or refined carbs on an empty stomach. After about an hour I would get the shakes so what I would do is eat some protein before or after to balance out. Lately though I have been having increased symptoms and at times when I am eating more balanced meals too. I read on line that this can happen to bypass patients due to the stomach emptying too quickly, which mine does.
Has anyone had these same issues and how do you treat them? IThanks! Maryann
~Sandie~ -147!!WLS:12-12-06:Preop 268,Ht.5'4",BMI 44.9
Click on link to see my journey!!!
"Do unto others as you'd have done to you"~ The Golden Rule to Live by!
You are what you EAT and WHO you hang out with! Choices=Outcome~ what's YOUR choice??
I'm not perfect but I am going to die trying!!!
I have "The Pouch Rules" for Bypass Surgery (given by my surgeon) and it says 3 meals w/ no snacking but with this I definately feel my body drop off after a while if I dont eat. However, I dont want to gain weight. "THe rules also say not to drink liquid for 2-3 hours after meals, which makes it hard to get all my water in if I were to eating 4+ meals a day. I also have read that the fast emptying of our stomachs is a big part of what leads to the hypoglycemia, and drinking with or too close to meals is a factor. I dont remember if it was when I was 12 mo or two years out that I got the pouch rules but they pretty much want you to not drink and then water load increasingly until 15 min before you eat.
In the last year, needed to drop 13# quickly, so went to all protein drinks and all protein foods only, no carbs at all. After a few months, I added them back slowly and found out immediately that white carbs, potatoes or breads specifically, would cause me to crash 2-3 hours later. I've tested a few times and even a half small potato will cause a crash!
I'm almost 14 yrs out and never figured out what was causing it! White carbs, for me. So far, small amounts of rice or pasta are not doing it, nor fruit, within reason. While I'd always eaten reasonable "starches" with no wt gain, I can see now that it was still affecting the action of pancreas.
As long as I stick with protein foods or fruit or veggie, have had no lows for months.
And our rule out the door was 4-6 mini meals per day for life! The object being to keep the pouch small for as long as possible, but still have distinct meals vs grazing. So, today I do 4 small meals, some more meal like, some more snack like and I've always done a lot of protein in supplement (180g or more), made in wwater. But the protein drinks didn't hold the blood sugar steady if I bombarded me with white carbs!
Bummer. My two top foods? Bread & potatoes. I will settle for the next batch of basic food group: butter, mayo, chocolate (as in protein, not candy).
RNY, distal, 10/5/94
P.S. My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.