5 day kick start...direct link here-NO membership needed!
Hi again! I am new to this site and didn't know that I had a "message" box so I apologize to all that sent me emails for this info that I haven't gotten to respond to. Others have mentioned that they needed to join a membership and pay a fee to get the info - NOT TRUE!!! I don't have a membership:) Here is the direct link to the 5 day kick start (you can do it up to two weeks;) www.bsciresourcecenter.com/proddetail.php?prod=5DKS I tested it myself and it takes you right to the page where all the info/rules are. Good luck!! ~Laura
Hi, I just visited the site! I loved it-it was very informational! I found the recipes by typing in recipes in the search box! They looked very easy and tasty! I really think that this seems more doable! Let us know what ya think! Good Luck to those trying it! I am curious, too! Hugz Dawn
Thanks Laura
I bookmarked this one to try if I ever fall too far off track again. It's more up my alley with at least some veggies and much closer to my normal daily life-diet! Minus the fruits and whole grains....and my occassional "who-gives- a-rats-bottom, type chocolate-or-icecream- no-no-melt-down" that I have on occasion...Like recently with TOM who visited me early...and infact twice this month! ERGHHH..
Thanks for the link! Looks worth a try...
I put in recipies but is said seach cannot be found. I kept clicking and came to a page with Chef Daves recipies is that it? I had seen him one time at our bariatric luncheon, hes awesome and I bought 2 of his cookbooks and never used them, I need to get them out and look at them. I started this program yesterday and it wasnt hard at all the only thing I missed was nuts, I like to snack on almonds when I need something crunchy and salty. Deb