Friday weigh in
I thought about Friday Weigh-in a lot this past week and that's a good thing. A goal for this week is 100% Journaling and submit it to "Acountability, What did you eat...." My biggest problem is obsessive night-eating, a good day of right eating falls apart at about midnight. I thought this habit was broken after WLS. Any suggestion or tricks on getting contol over this terrible habit? Last week 144 This week 145 Lowest weight 133 Goal 128
I totally relate to what you have shared. I do the most damage, eating-wise, by eating late at night. Then I get energy to stay up later, and I'm not getting the sleep that I need. I decided that I just cannot have foods in the house that are a temptation for me. Not exactly fair to the rest of my weight-appropriate family, but if I was an alcoholic we would not have alcohol about. They are willing to help me. I know they keep treats in their rooms, and my husband buys things and keeps them either at work or in his car.
I'm sick of beating myself up for poor food choices. That makes me feel guilty and I personally end up eating more. I just want to be as gentle with myself as possible.
There's a great book that has helped me called "Mindless Eating." I also try to hold off from eating for 5 minutes - doing that has been positive - though not perfect.
I'll be interested in hearing what starts working for you. Just don't give up. I feel that identifying the problem is the first step towards overcoming it. I admire your frankness.
Its hard to drink a lot late at night or you ended up potting all night. Late night eating is always tough. get some celery, carrots or very low cal snacks you like and when you just cant stop yourself go for those. Sometimes instead of trying to stop a compulsion we just need to replace the behavior with a more appropriate choice. So if there things you can do like read a book, work on a cross word, go pet your dogs. They say that if you occupy yourself with something else for 15 minutes you can usually get past the need to do it.
Hope that helps
Great Job Carla...That 5dpt did the trick.
Last week 138
This week 138
Steady as she goes! I am happy with this so all is good Lets all keep it up
Corgi Mom
287/129 bmi 20.2 height 5'7"
Loss is good Maintanance is GREAT
Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly
287/129 bmi 20.2 height 5'7"
Loss is good Maintanance is GREAT
Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly