Friday weigh in
Hey everyone it's time to sound off. How are you doing.. gaining loosing or maintaining. We are all winners here so take a bow and give yourself credit for all you have accomplished. Congrats to all of you on you success..
Last week 124
This week 120
down four pounds I gained on my mini vacation.. yeah.. the 5dpt really helped me get control again.
Maintaining now for 8 months...
Congrats all..
Things have been VERY STRESSFUL these past few WEEKS so I've been up and down. I'm back to (DON"T BASH ME) to weighing every day to help controll STRESS EATING. So with that said I'm back to MATAINING. We have to all do what works best for us.
Last week 137
This week 135.5
OH on a side note went SWIM SUITE shopping last weekend and even though it's not a size 6 from my all time low weight. I tired on a 12 my size last year and it was TOO BIG so I'm in a size 10. My FAT GIRL sizes were 26W-24W so to me a size 10 is not bad for a 46 year old. NOW if I could only win the LOTTO and get PS to remove the tummy and all the hanging skin from it that would be GREAT!!
Have a GREAT WEEKEND!!!!!!!
4'10" - 47 I'm short but not petite and I will weigh more than a 5th grader
Start weight 220
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" Dr. Seuss
133 and holding water. Rings are tight this morning. Oh well, you've seen what I eat and do all week, so its not because I'm eating wrong. Just my body. Numbers I hate, but I know its not an issue. I am so caught up in the number game it drives me crazy, yet I know I am ok with exercising and eating. So, I will have my margareta SF today, its my friday treat!
Hope you have a good weekend, and kudos for that 4 lb loss!!
Remember, nothing tastes as good as THIN feels!!
you are a great encourager, thanks! Yes, you are right, I am the "same ole same ole" girl! routine works well for me, I don't wander off far from that unless I am on a cruise or vacation, and at that I have to take my wheat thins, peppermint patties, protein(of course) and my canned mandarin oranges so I have food ready when I need to eat. Always have food on hand in the car (cooler) or whatever. This way I won't be tempted to eat something not good for me! Oh well, watching the grandbaby till sat. I know I am not used to that!! ha, ha, maybe will hang out with my daughters t his weekend too!
blessings to you!
Remember, nothing tastes as good as THIN feels!!
well you just make me feel wonderful!! Its marykay, stuff really works!! Actually I have three, Savannah 3 yrs, Jaslynn 10 months, and Landon 4 weeks! Loving grandparent hood. In fact Jazz is spending her first overnight with me this weekend!!
blessings to you!
Remember, nothing tastes as good as THIN feels!!