Anyone looking for the 5 day jump start mentioned??
Hello! A lot of you requested that I e-mail you on the 5 day quick start plan that my surgeon recommends but some did not give addy's and others have had problems opening the file once I send it. Sooooooo, I am posting the website that has this entire program available for viewing. The website is and it is an International Bariatric Surgery informational site with lots of great stuff. I believe that you can post there, b & a pictures, etc... Just search for the 5 day jump start or kick start (can't remember exactly) It is similiar to the "Atkins" induction and can be done for up to 2 weeks. I plan to start tomorrow and I will start a new thread each day for those that want to join me. I plan to do it for the entire 2 weeks. If you have any trouble getting this info, please email me at [email protected] and I will send you the file and hope you can open it:) ~Laura