Sounds classic to me...your body is just now getting the signal things have changed. The anesthesia is usually out by week 4, you've been "high" for the first couple weeks, now, reality is setting in for your body. Give it another 2 weeks and I think you'll see improvement. For sure, you'll see a loss and that'll psych you up and give you mental energy. You're doing great!!! Hang in there!!!
It could be any of a number of things causing your tiredness. It could be just your needing to recover from surgery. One thing I do want to ask is whether you take calcium? You mentioned protein and vitamins but not calcium supplements. And, be sure to use calcium citrate. I noticed a huge improvement to my energy levels when I started taking calcium citrate versus calcium carbonate.
~~ Judy ~~
That's a picture of my youngest grandbaby in my avatar. She is my pre-e-cious.
That's a picture of my youngest grandbaby in my avatar. She is my pre-e-cious.