Low Ferritin Iron Saturation

.Anita R.
on 4/23/08 1:52 am - Stafford, VA
This is very hopeful to hear...even though we have different anemias....We are taking the same iron. What about you RBC Counts? (HGB and HCT) as you mentioned?  What are the docs doing about raising those levels?  My biggest hope is that by raising my ferritin and iron saturation that my blood will begin to produce healthy oxygenated blood cells which it's not at this time...How often are you begining tested to see where you are at?  I don't want to pester my doctor, but I don't want to sit idly by while my health deteriorates because she doesn't understand malabsorption from RNY!  So I'm just curious what your routines are with your doc...Hope you don't mind my questions!  Hugs
on 4/22/08 1:19 pm - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
But that's OLD B12 range. New range starts at 800! Brain and or nerve damage can occur at 400!

How low were the levels when someone told you that you didn't need iron?

I use Tender Iron, have forever, but I take 12 + vit C + (now) 1 tiny copper.

Iron runs around 90, ferritin 2 wks ago was 329. That's not too unusual with this iron. It's kinda slow normally, but UP is good. Mine came up very quickly from about 175 last Oct. BUT ferritin can be kinda transient, so no one is upset about it in a female range of 20-291. Man range ends at 322. Go figure.

My doc's DS start on 450mg of iron. I start mine on 300mg, mainly cuz the 450 freaks 'em out. LOL

but as someone said, if you have iron issues, you have them, surgery or not.

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

on 4/22/08 9:27 pm - Mount Gilead, NC
I have always taken iron since my RNY. I did have some minor anemia issues pre-op. Thanks for your info. I feel more knowledgable heading into my hematology appt MOnday. Belinda


Anchor cut TT 9/27/2007

Mechelle J
on 4/24/08 4:40 am - Manchester, KY
I took 8 IVs and then had labs. My ferritin came from less than 1 to 23, so he ordered 4 more IV and I have two of them left to go before more labs. I am starting to feel better. I have been really stressed and really didn't realize I felt so bad but everyone kept telling me I looked bad, tired, not well. It is more of an inconvienance than anything else. Just to go to the hospital and wait to get an IV then wait for it to run then wait for them to take it out then wait for discharge papers. Feel better soon!
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding"  Proverbs 3:5
on 4/24/08 11:30 am - Mount Gilead, NC
Thanks for sharing your story and words of encouragement. I really didn't realize I felt bad until I got the lab info. But it kind of crept up an me. The tiredness waxes and wanes through out the day.  How long did each infusion take? How were the 8 infusions spread out?  Thanks again Belinda


Anchor cut TT 9/27/2007

Mechelle J
on 4/24/08 10:10 pm - Manchester, KY
Belinda, I have them once a week. When I first started the nurse said your have to run it in over the course of an hour. About the third week another nurse said you could do it in 15 minutes. So, they looked in thier medical book and said that youo could do it in 15-30 minutes. Its all according to who hooks up the iv really. But if I see its going to take forever and since they looked it up and siad it could be done in 15 min, I speed it up a little myself :) 
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding"  Proverbs 3:5
on 4/21/08 7:07 pm - willow street, PA
Let me know how you made out. My ferritin level was 6 and i saw a hematologist for possible iv iron also 2 weeks ago. he said no need for any since my hemoglobin was good and my b12 was in the high end. so i am not getting iv infusions. and of course, im still always tired, but he said based on my hemo counts, i am not anemic. i cant understand.
Cheryl Miller
on 4/21/08 9:19 pm - Mount Gilead, NC
Thanks for your input. I will post after I find out the plan. Belinda


Anchor cut TT 9/27/2007

.Anita R.
on 4/22/08 7:03 am - Stafford, VA
That's because your hemoglobin is what determines anemia, not your iron or ferritin levels...It's a combo of many things...You have to take iron in high doses to raise your ferritin and iron...so you do not become anemic.   Having a low ferritin or iron level is not anemia...It's a warning
on 4/27/08 6:24 am - Central IA, IA

You need to find a different hematologist.  Mine says the ferritin needs to be at least 65.  My hemoglobin and hematocrit are normal now but my ferritin still keeps dropping between iron infusions.  When your ferritin is low, that means you have very little iron stores in your body.  Not a good thing.  You can have iron deficiency anemia and have a normal H & H.



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