Repost: Let me tell you about FAT and DUMPING

on 4/16/08 2:45 pm - CT
Posted this on the RNY board as I felt is was valid there, but even people over a year out can still dump bad! So thought I'd repost it here as I've been starting to post here more often. I have dumped off sugar, but never tested my limits with too much fat since surgery. Before RNY I probably ate about 4 Big Mac's from McDonald's a week. My most favorite sandwich EVER! It was like CRACK! Sometimes 2 or 3 at a time with a large fry and Coke! Since surgery I've had a few dumping episodes from sugar related foods, and not because I screwed up but because I am super sensitive and have learned I cannot tolerate more than 5g of sugar whether real or refined in one sitting. Fine then. But I haven't ever tried a thing that was fatty since my surgery ever. So Tuesday my son gets a Big Mac and I have 2 tiny bites, was delicious but because it was only 2 little bites I was fine. Should have never gone there, yeah I know, but moving along. Wednesday he's spending a few days at his grandmas and I relate the joyful experience of the 2 bites to my boyfriend who decides I must eat a Big Mac. He brings it back and I only intend on having a couple bites again but I could not stop, it was like I was pre-op. I kept having bit after bite and I was actually moaning out loud over the taste of it. I said, I don't think a RNY patient should be able to be doing this. Me, who normally can't comfortably still eat more than 1/2 a cup of food downing something of this calibur. So I ate almost the entire thing. I said to myself RNY is over, I can't believe I ate that and feel fine, I expect to start all my regain again tomorrow. 20 minutes after I ate it I started to get waves of cramps through my stomach, they would last about 10-15 seconds then pass, but were extremely painful. I would have to breath like I was in labor through them and clutch my stomach. They started happening every 1-2 minutes until about 35 minutes later I had one that never ended. I rushed to the bathroom and spent the next 30 minutes having the most horrible painful movements I've ever had in my life during which I had a trash can in front of me spitting up huge amounts of foam and I was crying loudly praying to God a quick death. And during all of this hell I kept feeling like I would pass out and things kept getting dark and in between potty episodes I had to lay down right on the bathroom floor to keep sane. My boyfriend was so terrified that a Big Mac couldn't possibly do this to a human that he wanted to call 911, I screamed read me the nutritional info! He said it was over 30g of fat. I'm not sure I've ever eaten more than 8 to 10 in one sitting and that's on a very bad day. OK, I do not desire nor will ever eat a Big Mac or any kind of high fat content food again. While I'm grateful for this deterrent, as I seem to need deterrents to fix my food issues, it was an extremely hard lesson to learn. For a few moments there I thought the surgery didn't work and had never happened, but I sure learned and in the most brutal way. Dumping is a blessing but really sucks hard at the same time. I felt some dire need to share, thanks.
339 / 151 / 155?   day of surgery / current weight / goal weight
190 lbs lost
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Tracy B
on 4/16/08 10:27 pm - Erie, PA
I'm so sorry you had to go thru that! How terrible! I agree~dumping is a blessing and a curse. At this point I don't seem to dump on sugar, but occasionally get queasy if I eat ice cream. I haven't really pushed the boundaries when it comes to fats, but now that I've read this, I don't think I'll be giving that a try!

~*~Tracy B~*~

328/160 *** 5'9"

(deactivated member)
on 4/17/08 12:28 am
Melissa, I had a similar experience last weekend when I ate a little of my grandson's birthday cake. I just scraped a little cake & icing off the plate, and nothing happened, so I scaped a little more, and kept scraping until I'd had maybe 3 bites' worth. About 20 minutes later I thought I was dying. So that cured me from birthday cake, I think for the rest of my life. I haven't had a Big Mac, and don't plan to since I saw what happened to you. Thanks for trying it first. :)
Beam me up Scottie
on 4/17/08 1:16 am
I could be wrong, but from what i remember Mcdonalds adds a lot of sugar to their food too.  It's apart of what makes it so addicting. Scott
.Anita R.
on 4/17/08 4:05 pm - Stafford, VA

OUCH!  I have experienced this...but with milk or lactose and sugar...You don't do stuff like that more than once or least not on purpose!  Glad that is over for you!  I'm 4 years out and recently dumped on this really yummy ricotta cheese and SF pudding and whipped cream stuff....It tasted so good ...but the results were like yours...Two hours worth... So even later, we sometimes forget to taste test new foods...I can usually tell in the first few bites of something whether I need to stop...My pouch gives me definite signs...i just have to focus everytime I eat...or I miss or ignore the little twinges. As I say this...I can't believe it, but I am beginning signs of dumping guacamole dip I was munching on way too late for a snack!  I can tell I will pay for it as the rumbling is getting painfully worse!  OY!  Okay...going to lie down now!  :::Sniffles::: ouch

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