Bone Density Scan Results
I had the foot testing done as someone else mentioned.... but the T-score thing was explained to me as.....
0 is the normal bone density of a 18 to 25 yr old woman...... your lumbar reading was a +0.9 so that's nearly a full point better than a 18 to 25 yr old..... your femoral neck bone was a -0.1 so that's 1/10 of a point below a normal 18 to 25 yr old.....
so if you're like me, you don't look like a 18 to 25 yr old, but I sure as heck feel like one! LOL
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
foot and hand tests are not accurate! Mine both said I was FINE, better than a 30 y/o. 6 wks after foot, I was dx with osteoporosis, -2.9. So, really there. But foot said fine.
Then they were demoing the finger one at the ASBS conf and that was 5 yrs later after my dx. And it also said I didn't have anything to worry about.
Don't trust those! Get the real thing.
Then they were demoing the finger one at the ASBS conf and that was 5 yrs later after my dx. And it also said I didn't have anything to worry about.
Don't trust those! Get the real thing.
RNY, distal, 10/5/94
P.S. My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.
I found this website that helps explain the numbers, etc on the results:
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