Somethings in my stomach?
If it was at the bottom end of the sternum (breastbone), there is a lump of cartilage there called the xyphoid process. Most of us don't know it's there til we lose weight and then we feel it and think "what the heck is that".
You'll have to ask your doc.... could be scar tissue or an incision hernia.

~Rich~6'5.0"~open RNY~08/05/2004~>500+/450/437/250/239/320(high/consult/preop/goal/low/current)

hi michelle,
couple of questions? is it movable or fixed in one place? Does it hurt when you touch it? Have you been having unusual symptoms? ( pain, fever, difficulty eating? ) If it is fixed it is probably scar tissue, especially if it doesn't hurt. if it hurts it could be some simple things like a seroma.( sterile fluid filled pocket) that your doctor could easily take care of. If you are having fevers or drainage it is more urgent and you need to call you doctor right away. Don't panic... listen to your instinct... if you think it is urgent go to the er... if not call the doc and get his opinion... the other think it could be are some residual internal sutures... i could feel some deep ones for a little while.. kinda gross but they " work their way out" my body rejected them and one day i saw a little pimple, and of course i had to pick it and inside was a little stitch.. i called my doc and he told me that was the body's way of getting rid of the foreign obect....
sorry for rambling.....
good luck
pre-op 265/current 160/goal 140
105 pounds gone forever!!!!
105 pounds gone forever!!!!
sounds like scar tissue... give your surgeon a call for your peace of mind... i would have called him as soon as i found it because i am so paranoid about things. It could also be a lipoma... they are little fatty benign tumors.. just aggrivating and bothersome but don't hurt you in any way....
pre-op 265/current 160/goal 140
105 pounds gone forever!!!!
105 pounds gone forever!!!!
I found a lump too,,really hard,,had never seen it or felt it before. So, when I went for my bone density scan,,asked the doc..She laughed and said,, 'that, dearie,,is your breast bone! '
I was so embarrassed!!!

"For I know the plans I have for you ," declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11