Question for those who have "Gotten Back on Track"

Pick one thing - it doesn't really matter what - and focus on that for 4-6 weeks. When you're in a good routine with that one thing, whether its your food or exercise or daily fluids or whatever, then start working on a second thing. It generally takes 4-6 weeks to make a new behavior a "habit." And once you've made something into a new habit, it takes less time, energy, and focus to continue doing that new thing. We tend to get in to trouble when we try to make a lot of changes at one time; it's just too much for our minds and bodies to handle. For me, I'd probably work on the exercise first, since that's often hard for people to fit in to their routine and stick with it. If you increase your exercise, you may see some weight loss because you're burning off more calories. Then when you're in a nice, stable exercise routine, you can start looking at your daily food plan and working on making healthy choices. Good luck on your continuing journey - Kellie