pouch test
You have the three year bite. Look at your vitamin regeime, is it really stellar and are you at it 100%. Without proper nutrition the little villi in our pouch will seek out food, so be sure you really get great amounts of vitamins in. We at this point, often get slack and eat things we should not, add sugar and added carbs. So check what you are eating, perhaps get on fitday and track your intake. Also, take a look at your exercise and water intake.
The pouch test works for some, but I don't put much value in it, but try it if you want. I think looking at these other t hings would be more helpful in the long run.
Anyway, we are here to cheer you on, with whatever you decide!
Remember, nothing tastes as good as THIN feels!!
Here's the link, I think it's an excellent tool for getting back on track.
Im an advocate of the pouch test as well, It resets your pouch to its former sensitivity, and rids your body of cravings and hunger. It worked for me,, go to www.5daypouchtest.com and check it out.
"For I know the plans I have for you ," declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11