Anyone else out 18 months and stalled?
Good question ! I sound crazy I know.
I know a hand full of people I know who are out more then 4 years.They have all gained about 10% of there weight back.
I was thinking that if I got to 125 and stayed that way IF i gained 10% of my weight back I would be around the one thirty fives!Does that makes sense?!
Because right now when I get my period I easily go up to 138 which is closer to 140 which is closer to 150 and it freaks me out.! lol I know crazy!!!!!

It is crazy thinking, and I'm very familiar with it because I think the same way.
Here's the thing though: If you try to get skinny to leave room to gain as some sort of insurance policy, you're not learning to simply *stabilize* at a healthy weight.
I originally overshot my goal by so much that I looked upon my skinnier weight as an "insurance policy." But when I really slipped up with my eating habits, it meant I didn't jump right on top of them because I could slack because I had 'insurance" pounds. Guess what, I overshot past the insurance pounds and kept on going, *because I failed to learn how to maintain.*
If you are (1) unable to stop losing, and/or (2) aiming to lose too much for insurance pounds that you can regain, you are avoiding (3) THE REAL BATTLE: maintenance.
Just my opinion, but I see a lot of people in your/our boat, and maintenance is truly where the rubber meets the road. All the rest of it (lose, gain, regain, relose) is where the noise is, but the peace is found in parking and staying at a weight that feels good and is *maintainable* with a reasonable lifestyle.
Just sayin' -- hang in there -- it's a tough problem to conquer. Swear I'm gonna figure it out any day now . . .
Suzy C.
My NUT told me something at my one year appt that has stuck with me. I asked about the '10 lb rebound' gain. She said that her experience is that the people who do this regain are those who have a specific goal weight in mind and then 'diet' down to that weight rather stabilizing at a weight that 'matches' how you choose to eat. I hope that makes really got me thinking.
Dear Carol:
I have posted similarly in the past. You are definately NOT alone.
I have been at the same weight since 10 months out. I will be 18 months out on the 27th of April.
I still have an "obese" BMI.
I have tried EVERYTHING! More exercise, less excercise, different exercise; more protein, less protein; more calories, less calories; more carbs, less carbs; more veggies, less veggies........the only thing I have NOT (and will not) change is the amount of water I get in each day-----I NEVER get less than 80-90 oz. and usually about a gallon (128 oz). I also never miss my vitamins.
As you can see, I do not have an answer, but anyone that does, I'm sure we would all appreciate the feedback.
Just wanted you to know that you are NOT alone. I am guessing that it is time for me to get over it and just be thankful for what I have. The problem with that is that I DON'T have ANY room for the "bounceback" weight that happens to most people, and it terrifies me.
(deactivated member)
on 4/8/08 3:17 pm
on 4/8/08 3:17 pm
Hi, Carol... I'm 16 months post-op. Lately my weight has been about 135 - 138.5 LB I just had my Nut / Surgeon follow-up today. At 5' 1.5" and 137 LB, my Nut was concerned that I might have lost too much weight, as I plan on having PS. Both Drs seemed OK with my weight, but mentioned that I had lost more than they expected. I feel fine, but I'll know more in 2 weeks when my Labs are in. I "scored" 30.5 on the hand-held Body Fat Mass indicator, which is in the normal body fat % range, which was good news and everyone seemed happier with the numbers. It's so hard to predict what is a good weight. What info have you gotten from your Dr? BTW, You look really healthy!!!
When I was 248 lbs at 5"5 I had a 52 inch waist!My ankles are 6 inches round and my wrists are 5inchs.
I gain around my middle and I have a lot of fat there still.
My legs are toothpicks ,I have no A$$ but my abdomen is still big.NOt big like at 248 but...
I know I need ps but right now it's not an option for me at this time.
Im a size 8 pants and when I get my period I easily go up to 138 and my pants get tight and my tummy does the HANG thing.(but not jsut extra skin its fat)after it's gone I fit nicely back into my size 8's.
I need to go for a check just to make sure I am doing well.I had blood work done and everything is good!
I know it 's hard to predict the right weight after everyone telling me year after year I am big boned!
I need to get that out of my head!
thanks for your response,

(deactivated member)
on 4/8/08 10:22 pm
on 4/8/08 10:22 pm
LMAO.... Big Boned!!! Please hear you. That's up there with "you have such a pretty face"
That's some situation... the wrist and ankle roundness sounds like edema was really taking-over; not just being MO and the weight around the waist is a big warning sign for future heart probs.
Since you've lost so well in other areas, is it possible that lipo in your mid-section might be an option. Even if you get a TT later, the lipo could be a first step to resolving the fat layer. You might get better results on the TT at least. Not sure; just a thought.
Hope the check up goes well.