NEW to this group, Hi all!
Hi and welcome to the grad group! Love the information and support given by everyone; it's a haven for us beyond the first year. Our needs as I'm sure you are aware of change the further out we get. BTW, I'm in La. gal too! Welcome Aboard,
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining

Back on Track Dana
preop 316, low post op 166, 200 regain, 189 now, 165 goal
preop 316, low post op 166, 200 regain, 189 now, 165 goal

Hi, Zoo!
I love the grads board and spend 99% of my OH time here. I'm not an overly frequent poster, but I read the posts a couple times a day and love the general atmosphere. There aren't nearly as many posts as on the main board, but nearly every topic is relevant and helpful, and everyone seems to get along! Lots of very helpful support, advice, or (when needed and requested)--a good butt-kickin'!!
Hope to see you here a lot!
