I am such an idiot!
I've always thought I can eat almost anything and not dump. I have noticed that occasionally I eat too many carbs and get kinda sweaty, but never thought much about it.
This morning I ate my fav breakfast, Weight Control oatmeal with some Splenda brown sugar and a litte butter (the butter helps everything move). As I've got a conference call in a bit, I decided to go to Curves right after I ate. While I was driving I got a little sweaty, so I thought-- too much sugar!
I was shocked when I got to the pulse machineand my pulse was at 159 on the first circuit! My pulse is never that high! I told the owner her machine was broken!
Duh! Eat sugar, pulse goes up and you sweat. I am such an idiot!

I love it when I have those DUH moments...the light bulb goes off. You feel like that V-8 commercial where the guy gets smacked in the forehead...
Well, live and learn, I like to think.
Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
Dumping/reactive hypoglycemia - can get ya between the oatmeal and added sugar blend.
If you have a glucose monitor, you might want to check it when you get that way. Sometimes the spike of blood sugar causes an over release of insulin causing a crash.
Best wishes, Kathy

~Rich~6'5.0"~open RNY~08/05/2004~>500+/450/437/250/239/320(high/consult/preop/goal/low/current)

Michelle, the Weight Control oatmeal has done that to me also. I also get hungrier quicker. I now eat the 5 minute oatmeal with protein powder in it with no problems and it keeps me full.
Every time I think I don't dump that's when I do something and go "duh".
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
weigh pasta with a scale before you cook it :) or with a measuring cup after you cook it. You can get at least one of the nut info on the box, if you forget and measure after cooking you can get the per cup nut info online :)
1 box of pasta used to be a meal for me, now its 14 meals.. hello???? can you say life changing?
327/318/150/ start/surgery/goal
**Current Weight 149 pounds**
I *AM* the PK
**Current Weight 149 pounds**
I *AM* the PK
Thanks PK I had already entered the info from box on fitday and did a search & found out 2oz or 1/4 dry=3/4cup cooked. So if you are eating a cup its not 8oz it's much less which is good because i had his plate really full. I am trying to fatten him up but not kill him. :( Seriously he used to eat 3/4lb and was not overweight...how could he not be, when I eat carbs I gain. Everyone is different.
Current weight:120 and still 5'4
hehehe well all do a good "duh" every week I bet ;)
I think that not eating enough carbs from the begining changes your insulin to food ratio when you start eating carbs again. My nut plan called for a normal amount of carbs at every meal (as in not a strict low carb diet) . I do get reactive hypoglycemia on occaision and I do dump on occaision but both were after I was a year out and eating enough to make a difference. When I was only eating 1000 cals a day I dont think I ever got enough fat/sugar to have a real dumping experience.
I can prevent the hypoglycemia by eating the same amount of carbs at each meal. I usually eat 40 - 60 carbs per meal and this keeps my insulin production at the proper amount so Im rarely over producing/under producing. You actually produce insulin based on your last meal. So if you eat 40 carbs at breakfast and 20 at lunch, you are likely to make too much insulin and have a low. Then eating 60 carbs at dinner you will make too little and get a high, releasing more insulin, for yet another low... Its quite interesting stuff really.
Anywho sorry you learned the slow and hard way ;) I love me some oatmeal but I tend to only eat it in the evening when I make the most insulin (I make more as the day wears on) so I rarely have any reaction to it at all and I eat 2 weight control bags at once (yes Im a hog :P)
327/318/150/ start/surgery/goal
**Current Weight 149 pounds**
I *AM* the PK
**Current Weight 149 pounds**
I *AM* the PK