Trail mix
Dry fruit is going to have a high sugar content because it's concentrated, but the glycemic load of trail mix is reduced by the presence of the nuts, so I like to mix raw almonds, dried cranberries, cashews, and dried blueberries or goji berries. I find this pretty yummy. Just don't go crazy on the amount of fruit. This mix is high in anti-oxidants too. If you want to up the protein, add some soy nuts.
I don't dump on trail mix. But it is pretty high in calories, so be careful. 1/4 cup is between 120 and 160 calories depending on what's in it. The nuts can be difficult to digest. But if you are in a rush and need a quick healthy snack it's a good fix. It's really filling for me as well. If you have problems with dumping, be sure to stay away from dates in your trail mix. They are pure sugar.
I probably should have cropped that cake out of that picture. That was my 47th birthday cake. It is a carrot cake that I made - I think it's got 3 sticks of butter and a lot of oil, but it does have a whole bag of carrots so I count it as a vegetable. I ate a bite of it and went running to the neighbors' houses giving away cake, so I wouldn't be into it all night long. I just love to cook, and most of it is stuff I shouldn't eat, so all my neighbors just keeping bigger and bigger.
Quinoa is another great additive to trail mix. If you soak it and then drain it, do that again, then roast it in a pan on low low heat to make it a bit nutty, make sure its really dry and add to the trail mix, its delish! High protein load to it is a huge bonus.
RNY 7-2005
RNY 7-2005