Vitamins Question

**Current Weight 149 pounds**
I *AM* the PK
It seems to be on me...But it's really hard for me to tell for certain that the calcium is the culprit...I have been taking so many vitamins and supplements lately. I alternate days on high dose vitamins and take breaks from some to see what is causing the binding...and calcium seems to be the main one...I need to take more than what I am taking, but had to stop with my TOM because the cramps this month were more than I could handle with being constipated too! I just didn't want to deal with it...So I cut the calcium in half and sure enough...I am back to normal...for three days now...That is why I am pretty sure it's the calcium. I'll know for sure when I up it back to full dose today since I have no cramps today... It might just be me...I don't usually have any trouble except with calcium and iron...and As long as I start taking stuff a little at a time...I can usually ease my body into the changes in these supplements, but I was in a panic and started taking all kinds of stuff and made myself sick..Too much too fast...Now I think I have my body set ...but calcium does seem to get me personally...It definitely does make me bloated though... Insoluable fiber has helped me, but unfortunately fiber also blocks absorption of some vitamins such as calcium and iron and getting all these thing in at the right times of the day is like being a juggler in a circus act! It's exhausting! LOL
Current weight:120 and still 5'4
Current weight:120 and still 5'4