Vitamins Question

on 4/1/08 5:27 am
I've seen posts on here about the specific types of vitamins that folks take.  I have a great iron, but I need to find a good calcium and B12.  Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!

Pre-Revision: 228 - I had my second baby Feb. 18, 2009
Current Weight: 186 I had a revision via lap to my RnY on August 18, 2009

(deactivated member)
on 4/1/08 6:54 am
I've been pretty happy with my B-12: I've tried a few different brands of calcium, but the one that tastes the best to me is BA :) I am now also taking the Osteo Enhance with extra D: ey=1620 ey=1067 and there you go!
on 4/1/08 7:03 am - Fredericton, Canada
Hello :) I looove the rexall B12 from walmart. They have 2 types of sublinguals, one is micro dot 500 mcg and the other pill sized 2500mcg. I used the first and didnt seem to get good results with it, switched to the second and can really feel the difference in my energy and moods. Its like 3$ a bottle too so cheap and good! Calcium I have only one word... UpCalD... I looove this stuff. I got mine from Vitalady because she so kindly ships to Canada but if money is an issue do a google search as its very cheap from other places :) HUGS PK 
327/318/150/  start/surgery/goal
**Current Weight 149 pounds**
I *AM* the PK 
on 4/1/08 8:34 am - Effingham, IL
I agree w/ tiger_angie on the cal cit lozenges from (except I have the wild cherry flavor).  However, my favorite by far is UpCal-D (powder), which I got  from (her price is not the cheapest, but I like ordering from her and just wasn't in the mood to check around for a better price).  I LOVE UpCal-D!  The tiny little scoop can be added to anything; however, it tastes OK just by itself, so I usually just pop a scoop in my mouth and let it dissolve--fast & easy. I just take Walmart's generic brand of sublingual B-12; they are fine w/ me.






.Anita R.
on 4/1/08 3:04 pm - Stafford, VA
I love Trader Joe's B12 sublingual!  It is the tiniest little thing and it melts under the tongue so fast like a little puff of smoke or powder and has very little taste at all...It's so easy and fast and my B-12 is one thing I am goo to go on!   I really can't talk about Calcium ...but I recently switched to the Wild Cherry Bariatics Calcium Citrate lozenges (ordered it with Vitalady)  It tastes really really good...but it also seems to bind me...But of all the calcium Citrates I have used it is by far the best tasting... I tried all the other flavors and didn't like the chocolate or cinnamon or mint at all...
on 4/1/08 10:49 pm
Calcium is binding?  Yikes!  I was glad to find an iron that didn't do that.   I am going to check out Trader Joe's b12 for sure.  Thanks for the tips everyone. 

Pre-Revision: 228 - I had my second baby Feb. 18, 2009
Current Weight: 186 I had a revision via lap to my RnY on August 18, 2009

.Anita R.
on 4/2/08 1:25 am - Stafford, VA

It seems to be on me...But it's really hard for me to tell for certain that the calcium is the culprit...I have been taking so many vitamins and supplements lately.  I alternate days on high dose vitamins and take breaks from some to see what is causing the binding...and calcium seems to be the main one...I need to take more than what I am taking, but had to stop with my TOM because the cramps this month were more than I could handle with being constipated too!  I just didn't want to deal with  it...So I cut the calcium in half and sure enough...I am back to normal...for three days now...That is why I am pretty sure it's the calcium.  I'll know for sure when I up it back to full dose today since I have no cramps today... It might just be me...I don't usually have any trouble except with calcium and iron...and As long as I start taking stuff a little at a time...I can usually ease my body into the changes in these supplements, but I was in a panic and started taking all kinds of stuff and made myself sick..Too much too fast...Now I think I have my body set ...but calcium does seem to get me personally...It definitely does make me bloated though... Insoluable fiber has helped me, but unfortunately fiber also blocks absorption of some vitamins such as calcium and iron and getting all these thing in at the right times of the day is like being a juggler in a circus act!  It's exhausting!  LOL

on 4/3/08 2:36 pm
I take over well 2000 mg of calicium daily and no constipation at all because I take it with magnesium 600 mg and Dry VitD3 5800. Doesn't both stomach whatsoever and if you have read any of my posts you know allergy situation.. If you are not taking D3 you may as well through the calcium out. Calcium needs Dry Vit D3 to do it job the correct way. Diane, my vits are listed on my page and also under my post Accountability by Carla.

Current weight:120 and still 5'4

on 4/3/08 10:29 pm
Thanks, I will check out your page.  Still haven't purchased any, so this is great. Where do you purchase yours?

Pre-Revision: 228 - I had my second baby Feb. 18, 2009
Current Weight: 186 I had a revision via lap to my RnY on August 18, 2009

on 4/4/08 12:54 am
I have been buying my vitamins from the same person (Andrew Lessman)for over 25 yrs,  he is a real person not just a plant somewhere in another country. He is located in Henderson Nev (reason so he could put more product into the cap-its dry there)  His company is called Pro Caps Labs, you can order from his site, call to order ands they have reps who know every thing about their products. Reps are based right there at his facility or you can watch HSN and they have him 4 times a year for a few days. I order directly from them by phone pr internet and I do auto-delivery and save 10% which well pays for shipping, HSN has specials where there is no shipping at times and special prices. In fact Diane he is on today with a Today Special of 2 products B12 & D3-1000. I use his D3-2500 so I passed. Jusy be sure if you don't get ProCaps that your Vit D is dry. He will be on their all day on and if you want to be educated about vitamin general turn on Home Shopping Network (HSN), He is the man who taught me personally about vitamins. He was the best friend of my ex-husband. His vitamins are honest, no junk in them and he is an ex Food and Drug lawyer so he doesn't mess putting fillers in his products. If you have any question call the number on the website and any one who answers is well trained. BTW did you get to the dr in Mass?

Current weight:120 and still 5'4

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