Have you tapped yourself yet?
I am watching & taping each episode. (I am struggling so much w/ my re-gain that I figure it can't hurt!) With that said, I have to admit that I haven't even tried the tapping technique--how's that for laziness?? I'm glad you thought it helped; now I will have to get out my little sheet of paper where I wrote down the tapping sequence!
Last Sunday's episode--negative associations attached to a food craving--honestly, that just doesn't help me. I have read that technique many times, and my imagination (or "suggestibility") just isn't strong enough to "believe" it--certainly not enough to deter me from wanting/eating the food.
I am just really in a blue funk lately--very discouraged that I have tried over & over since Christmas to re-commit (more than just a week!) to losing my re-gain, and after getting a good start and losing some initial weight, I just cave in and within a few days am right back where I started. Except mentally worse.
So I'm glad to hear that there is someone else watching this TV series & trying the techniques!