Any Anemics Escape Iron Infusions with Oral Iron?
I've been looking into Repliva...and did a search for the ingredients! I went out yesterday and got the final ingredient and am taking the main ones to see if that works out for me at all! I was already using the same iron (amino-acid chelate) got the ester-c that is in repliva...(tastes like dirt! Yes, I gotta break up my pills in smaller chunks! I'm a big baby) Nothing like regular Vitamin C! But all together I am taking the ingredients in repliva three times a day in small doses to keep ANY iron in my blood rather than just once or twice a day. I read in reports that it helps to have a continual dose of iron all day. I'm taking the highest dosage (per day) I can find any doctor recommended at 325mg for anemia)....So....One more month and I'll see how things went. I have such minor symptoms that it's so hard to tell if I am making any improvements at all. Last night I could not get warm for hours after getting into bed with a tee shirt and sweat shirt...flannel pants, socks... a heavy comforter and an extra two blankets! I woke up sweating though! LOL These little things make me wonder if I'm getting anywhere at all... I still have doubt, but a there's a spark of hope that thinks I'm going to beat it without radical treatment! But that's how I got here in the first place....Too much thinking that I am immune to these problems and can fix them myself. Thanks for the well wishes and sharing! I was glad to hear repliva helped you! (There's that hope again! ) :) Hugs Anita
i am anemic........take ferro sequals (sp) from walgreens, take 3 1x per day. my endo is content with my levels....why do I see an bariatric surgeons will see me here since my surgery was done in Boston.....not Memphis......
who knows........................
have a good day,
5ft0....sw 233,lw 133,gw 135,cw 193..........
I am not doing so good in this part of my journey...9 yrs later. :-(
You might want to talk to ppl here, since many of us are 10+ yrs out now.
It's hard to climb up on orals and so many docs do not know which irons to use or how many mg to rx for us. That's how most become anemic. Either not launched with iron, or too little, wrong kind. Then it's too little, too late, and wrong kind.
So, yes, it's possible to escape the merry-go-round, but ask some ppl who've done it and STAYED off.
RNY, distal, 10/5/94
P.S. My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.