Any Anemics Escape Iron Infusions with Oral Iron?
If you have....what kind of iron were you taking and how much? After iron you take oral iron to keep levels up? I just don't understand why some people get their levels up with the infusions and it stays up and they just seem to take oral iron that didn't work before and then it suddenly does? Is it just that when the levels fall so low that oral iron doesn't seem to work? I can't find these answers anywhere....And I can't wrap my mind around WHY oral iron doesn't work on anemics yet it prevents others from becoming anemic? Or does it do anything at all and some of us are just lucky? Or in my case, unlucky.... Any clues? Anita

True dat! Even though he sighed and told me I was micromanaging my numbers, I stood my ground and told him... dude, I can't afford not to be cognizant of my numbers! :-) He doesn't like me much ;-) We HAVE to watch the numbers and watch the trends! You're doing the right thing. But you knew that! :)
But D, they're trying to drive me insane, I swear.
When 20 was good, we got 20. Then tye wanted 30, so we reached it. Then only 3 yrs ago, it was 40. A year later, 50. Then last year, 60. Got 'em all. Then after about July, I am buried alive in studies that want 70-100. OK, got 98.6 in Oct. Due for labs next week.
Saw fresh labs from some folks last week? Top end has moved now to 150!
Is this a conspiracy to make me crazy? Or is it, AHA, a challenge! I will ACCEPT challenge and BEAT IT! Take THAT, you squirmy vit D studies!
RNY, distal, 10/5/94
P.S. My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.