Any Anemics Escape Iron Infusions with Oral Iron?

.Anita R.
on 3/30/08 4:24 pm - Stafford, VA

If you have....what kind of iron were you taking and how much?  After iron you take oral iron to keep levels up?   I just don't understand why some people get their levels up with the infusions and it stays up and they just seem to take oral iron that didn't work before and then it suddenly does?  Is it just that when the levels fall so low that oral iron doesn't seem to work?  I can't find these answers anywhere....And I can't wrap my mind around WHY oral iron doesn't work on anemics yet it prevents others from becoming anemic?  Or does it do anything at all and some of us are just lucky? Or in my case, unlucky.... Any clues? Anita

(deactivated member)
on 3/31/08 12:01 am
Hi Anita,  I was anemic before my surgery and didn't know it. I went into the whole process, trying to get my numbers up. I managed to get my regular levels up, but was still tired, etc.....So my doc, finally tested my ferritin levels and they were low. Very low. Like at 9. Normal with my lab is 7 to 295.. So I started taking a different iron. It's called Hematinic Iron by Solgar. My numbers went from 9 to 60 in three months. It's almost time for labs again, so I'll see where they're at now, soon. Hematinic iron is a "heme" iron. Meaning it comes from natural sources, like meat blood tissue, etc. It is highly absorbable, cause of what it's made out of. I take it with a vitamin C, all alone, no other vits for two hours. It's worked for me! PS- Other kinds of iron, ferrous sulfate, gluconate, etc are "non-heme" irons and are made out of plant sources, not blood and tissue, so they are constipating to us and don't really work all that well. Hope this helps!
Ruby R.
on 3/31/08 12:48 am
Where can you buy Hematinic Iron?  Is it a prescription? My Ferritin is 20---a little on the low side. Thanks Patricia 3/11/2005  RNY
.Anita R.
on 3/31/08 5:56 am - Stafford, VA
I read that even though tests say about 15-150 for Iron...that anyone at 40 is considered low enough to have to take supps! After all that I have read...I believe that!  I have read A TON of stuff...and while I am still confused...there are certain things that are clear....20 is not anemic but you are right in that it is low and should probably take supplements to be on the safe side. Good luck Anita
(deactivated member)
on 3/31/08 6:35 am
On March 31, 2008 at 12:56 PM Pacific Time, oxoxAnita wrote:
I read that even though tests say about 15-150 for Iron...that anyone at 40 is considered low enough to have to take supps! After all that I have read...I believe that!  I have read A TON of stuff...and while I am still confused...there are certain things that are clear....20 is not anemic but you are right in that it is low and should probably take supplements to be on the safe side. Good luck Anita
Ahh... tell my Dr. that!  He told me my ferritin level of 7 didn't mean I had a problem with my iron...  he said I'm good to go!    He also disagreed with me about my vitamin D level (31) being low...  
.Anita R.
on 3/31/08 9:07 am, edited 3/31/08 9:31 am - Stafford, VA
Some Doc's have their own weirdness! I don't rely on my doc to take care of me and know what I need. She's not a specialist. (And neither am I) but... All you have to do is read any anemic boards, doctor reports, case studies..etc and you know that 7 is LOW!!!!! I think most doctors go by the HGB and HCT and blood platelet counts more than the ferritin and iron levels.  At least that is what it looks like to me. When seasoned anemics talk to each other...They talk HGB counts first and ferritin levels second.  I still have no idea what severe anemia is?  Am I? Or not?  I have NO IDEA!!!  I have a hard time finding straight answers...and my doc just doesn't understand WLS...She depends on me for information.  It's a lot of pressure because I really have no idea about malabsorption except what I read (just like doctors).  When our  numbers are usually means we are not absorbing and going to get worse. All my number were low...everything!  They were all at the low end of normal, usually with no lower number to spare...and she told me that was fine...I flat out do not believe her ...or that it is okay and not to worry about it. Damn right I am taking all kinds of precautions and taking extra vits...Everything I eat I try to get in vitamins that I am low on!  I'm making myself crazy!  But I'm not waiting 6 months for her to tell me, were right, now there is a deficiency!  Not playing that game. I've been too complacent to begin with.  All of this comes from someone who is anti-medicines....never goes to the doc unless something gets bleeding to death or is broken. I wouldn't let your levels get any lower than that. My vitamin D was the only thing that seemed normal at 42.3....But someone told me that is low...Now that I find hard to believe.....but I upped my D just to see if I raise it a bit more rather than lower it!  You really have to take care of yourself and not depend on charts and numbers...You have to look at the entire seems one deficiency screws up another and it's sometimes about a shift in all levels to get everything back in line!  Again...I could be wrong...but I am focusing on raising all my levels instead of working on one at a time.  I have a feeling it's better that way...Time will tell...
(deactivated member)
on 3/31/08 9:13 am

True dat!   Even though he sighed and told me I was micromanaging my numbers, I stood my ground and told him... dude, I can't afford not to be cognizant of my numbers!  :-)  He doesn't like me much ;-) We HAVE to watch the numbers and watch the trends! You're doing the right thing.  But you knew that!  :)

(deactivated member)
on 3/31/08 9:56 am
Oh, BTW... I immediately increased my iron and D after I got my results in December... well, the D actually only after Vitalady edumacated me on the right number to look at :)  I just got some labs done since it's been 3 months, to make sure it's going well... I'm a bit leery of iron, so I don't want to overdo it :)
on 3/31/08 2:00 pm - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
Can't OD on iron, either. I mean, it would take an awful lot of iron for a long time. Hard for any WLS to do.

But D, they're trying to drive me insane, I swear.

When 20 was good, we got 20. Then tye wanted 30, so we reached it. Then only 3 yrs ago, it was 40. A year later, 50. Then last year, 60. Got 'em all. Then after about July, I am buried alive in studies that want 70-100. OK, got 98.6 in Oct. Due for labs next week.

Saw fresh labs from some folks last week? Top end has moved now to 150!

Is this a conspiracy to make me crazy? Or is it, AHA, a challenge! I will ACCEPT challenge and BEAT IT! Take THAT, you squirmy vit D studies!

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

.Anita R.
on 3/31/08 5:47 am - Stafford, VA
Thanks Lyn.. I have not seen any heme irons over the counter...but EVERYWHERE I go...I check out all the different iron and by the time I am done, my brain is fried and I am a basket case! LOL  I've been totally confused for the last month...Today I started a new iron taking schedule and dosage and ingredients that I found in Repliva (script)...I had most of the stuff after trying irons  and extra vits that either made me ill, or had unmentionable side effects! I fertilized my lawn with the ones that I could not tolerate...Worked GREAT on grass and no constipation!  :::giggles:::: I cannot take the Iron salts (ferrous sulfate) and a few others!  I cannot tolerate them at all. I was extremely sensitive to them.... Thank you so much for sharing!  I'll be looking into that for sure! Hugs Anita
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