whats with the noobs?
Not that Im a big part of this board, but I kinda like having a place to go that is supposed to be devoted to grads and grad problems. After you've been here a year you almost want puke if you read another Im 3 weeks out and in a stall post, you know?
Im TOM and extra crabby but sheesh... every other post is a newbie asking a question that really doesnt belong here... is it just me being a brat?
grumpy snugs
327/318/150/ start/surgery/goal
**Current Weight 149 pounds**
I *AM* the PK
**Current Weight 149 pounds**
I *AM* the PK
I'm sorry for impossing. I'm looking for information this is a very big step in my life. Pardon me I don't know anything about how to use these message boardsso please excuse me for entering your zone. I want to thank the lady that replied "in a nice way that I was in the wrong place" again everyone I'm sorry for intruding
Its not a matter of being nice or not. You are obviously message board savy enough to find the grads board so Im sure you noticed the surgery boards and main board too. The second message on this board is the "board purpose" statement.
Its not "my" zone. Its simply a "wls grads" board not the "ask a wls grad" board, see the difference.
The problems that face pre ops, early post ops, and further out ops are VERY different. Having been through the first 2 already you can trust me on that ;)
You will find early post ops and pre ops to be much more helpful in your search for advice since they are actually living it. Though it is best to ask your surgeon and nutritionalist these questions first.
No need to use your hurt tone with me, I know you arent. You also arent the only noob to post questions here lately so it wasnt directed at you persay, though being a grad this is a great place to vent frustrations about newbies, or it would be if they werent posting here :P
Good luck and may you find all of the answers you seek, somewhere else maybe
327/318/150/ start/surgery/goal
**Current Weight 149 pounds**
I *AM* the PK
**Current Weight 149 pounds**
I *AM* the PK
I'm grumpying out too on TOM...But the noobs don't bug me....Me thinks you're just extra grumpers! LOL Just kidding...I noticed it too...probably 'cause all us grds haven't had anything to talk about the last few days! LOL except that we are all TOMing it and Grumpers!
Oh And I just finished a glass of wine so I'm so not grumpy right now, but I might fall down though!
I am extra grumpers.. Im having a running commentary in my head reading the boards and the words "crybaby" and "stfu" keep repeating themselves :P
Its a good thing Im agrophobic and antisocial or I might be getting in big trouble at this time :P
Pas me the wine sister and Ill tell you a story :P *hic!*
327/318/150/ start/surgery/goal
**Current Weight 149 pounds**
I *AM* the PK
**Current Weight 149 pounds**
I *AM* the PK
Well PK you are in good company here then, right Anita. Don't worry about it...it bugged me today then my grand daughter found me and all was forgotten...tomorrow is another day.
Am I that our of touch I never heard the term "noobs" or TOM I am assuming you all have your period...LOL I don't have that "problem" anymore!!! I was a horrid B-T-H!
I had to go to your page to see if you explained that pic, I thought it was a man until I saw the bigger picture...,you truly make me laugh!
Current weight:120 and still 5'4
OH I am sooo jealous!! I want menopause sooo bad! I was supposed to get a hysterectomy thanks to all of my pcos/menstrual problems and I chickened out. there are too many possible long term consequences just to avoid a little tummy pain and blood.
hehehe noobs = newbies.. IM way out of touch too but I have a 14 year old nephew who comes to stay with me so I have learned the language so I can spy on him :P TOM = time of the month. I think its so we dont scare the very few men we have around here with dirty "female problems". This way they can pretend we're like Barbie and never bleed, pee or crap :P
OK Im getting more and more snotty as the day wears on.. where is this coming from????
I may have to get hubby to use the parental controls to keep me off the site for a few days :P
327/318/150/ start/surgery/goal
**Current Weight 149 pounds**
I *AM* the PK
**Current Weight 149 pounds**
I *AM* the PK
My menopause was brought on surgically in 1985, I had endometriois I was 36 and would you believe my daughter was the exact age when she had to have hysterectomy a few months ago. She keeps telling me she is not in menopause....she can't hear herself!!!! I am so glad I went thru it back then I may have been in jail by now!
I near fell of the chair laughing over the barbie statement. See I learn something new every day, noobs and TOM. ROFL