completely disappointed in myself
Jesus is so good to me; I couldn't ask for a better friend, protector, leader, savior!
I am 4 1/2 years out. I have had to live with major headaches since my surgery. I have finally been put on Depakote which has almost taken the headaches away. It's a great thing but it also made me gain almost 10 pounds. No matter what I did nothing helped. Finally after spending 5 days a week at the gym doing cardio at a really fast pace and keeping my heartrate up I have lost 4 of the 10 pounds. I am telling you that you have to go to the gym. No I will do it later or I don't want to. I say this because these are all the things I tell myself. My first 2 years I didn't exercise at all the weight just fell off and stayed off. That is not happening any more. I am not a great eater don't like to cook for just myself, sometimes things make me sick but I try to do better. I am running 5 miles an hour and rowing 15-20 minutes 5 days a week. I HATE IT BUT I DO IT. If I gain over 10 pounds I am afraid I will never get it off. You have to go to the gym there is no getting around and you have to work hard a nice walk will never keep you at a weight you will be comfortable with. It is the only sure fix to keeping your weight where you want it.
