frustrated about bmi-help from those years out from rny
Hi Tami good to see you post.. Don't be so concerned with the BMI thing I am not sure its including muscle rather just fat. I know I am rock solid, well maybe a little fat I would like to be rid of but I am not going gang busters in the exercise dept....doing pilates and some weights but I am 58 yrs old and holding at 127 53'5" I go up to 131 and down to 121 so as long as I am in the (my preference is 122) range and my blood work rocks I am going to consider myself healthy. I am sure you are as well. Since surgery I kept a mental count of my intake but since Feb 29 and 3 yrs out I started logging my foods and I can see exactly what I am getting in so I know I am on sure you probably do this already, if not you may want to try it...I don't want to see the scale go back to 131 for me so this has helped me.
Keep up the good work and come back and visit more often.
Current weight:120 and still 5'4
Hi Tami:
I remember watching a program that discussed the problems with using BMI as a measurement for a healthy weight. They pointed out that the women on the Yale (or Harvard/) Crew tean had BMIs over 25! These women were in top physical shape - not an ounce of fat on any of them - they were all muscle. But because they were very tall, and carried around a lot of muscle, they were considered "overweight"!
OMG! Stop obsessing. You're scaring me. Of course your BMI is 31. With all the exercise you do, I'm sure you've got a good deal of muscle which we all know weighs more than fat. Don't get so hung up on the numbers. BMI by itself is a limited tool. You can get so obsessed that you are going to end up with an eating/exercise disorder. Take it from one who has been there/done that. I am 5'3" and I fluctuate between 125 and 130. I wear size 4. This used to freak me out. There are many people on these boards who are my height, who are reporting weights of 110 or there abouts. Then I realized that I lift weights 3-4 times per week and do cardio 3 times per week and have a fairly high muscle mass. This makes me weigh more than my peers who look the same size as I do. Keep up the good work. You are doing an awesome job of staying fit and healthy. You're a super over-achiever. Good for you! But don't let yourself get on the crazy train! I've been both bulimic and anorexic earlier in my life and I have a tendency to get obsessive about food and exercise too. You just have to stay aware of when you are entering these modes of thinking and take a reality check. Girl, you are gorgeous and slim and healthy! Stop worrying about those numbers!
on 3/28/08 9:57 am
on 3/28/08 9:57 am
I had my RNY in '02 & unfortunately, with my regain I just hit the BMI mark as obese again.
I hate it but, what I chose to do is to forget about it & focus on getting healthy again by doing what I'm suppose to be doing. Like you said, keep doing what your doing hun. You're not crazy. (Even tho I've been told I am & feel that way too most of the time ha ha : ) Just don't gain anymore like I have.
Size 4-6 ? NO WORRIES !!!!
girl if you're 5'2' look like a skeleton, imagine being 5'8" and wearing a size 6...yep that would be me..... and according to the scale at GNC I am 20lbs over weight.....Honestly, I don't think you can always go by your bmi. OR what's supposed to be your healthy weight....if I lost 20lbs I would look like I was diseased.....LOL if you feel good about yourself where you're at and you're at a healthy weight....thats awsome. by the way you've done wonderful and you're beautiful.
Well, don't look like a skeleton anymore. I think I look normal now, and that is good. I do know when I was under 125 I did not look too healthy, 120 was too small, and my lowest at 115 was way to skinny.
Sometimes I look at my face now and it looks gaunt, but I'm healthy and I've been doing the fit day and trying to increase my healthy calories to 1100-1200 a day. Sometimes I feel like I have to work to eat that much, but I'll keep doing what is right!
Thanks for y our encouragement!
blessings, Tami