Friday weigh in
Anita I found great to figure out my calories, just entered it all I was using and then it computed the calories etc...,fascinating! This way I was able to really know how much I was eating.You can make it...those Barilla Oven Ready Lasagna noodles are so good. Very thin not like the heavy ones from years ago. You know I am not a meat eater so I had to really mix it up and make it taste good to get it down...but once I tasted it I made the 2nd one and we are having it for dinner tomorrow...I can't wait!!! I think you should make it for your soldier boy!!! Bill will love it too.
Licorice is good cals are low and no fat, very low sugar, i can't do anthing but splenda or reg sugar so I am limited...but its a bad habit I picked up here LOL Hubby just bough more of those mini dove ice cream bars...very tempting but I know my limits. I find it so interesting and try to get ideas from what everyone lists so its good we do this.
Current weight:120 and still 5'4

preop 316, low post op 166, 200 regain, 189 now, 165 goal