Need some support - Starting to Compulsively Eat
I just need some support right now. I'm getting into a bad eating place. Although nothing like my pre-surgery eating, it's still bad. I've been eating all day. So far I''ve had a piece of toast with butter, 2/5 bagel with butter, 2 peanut butter bars, chicken with asparagus (mostly ate asparagus) and 1 oz of freeze dried bananas. (not enought protein certainly jumps out at me - the peanut butter bars have 18 grams apiece)
I am under tremendous strain right now and don't have my normal coping mechanism available. I am in the process of moving, my apartment is empty and I'm sleeping on an air mattress, I'll be changing offices and I really love the epople in my office, and work is unbearably overwhelmingly crazy. I normally go home and cocoon on the couch when I'm this overwhelmed. Something about the high sides and being wrapped up in a blanket makes everything ok. But my couch is gone and I can't do it. So, I'm also wondering what your coping mechanisms are. Anything you can suggest?
Hang in there. Your move will soon be over. You might want to try to tune into music, meditation or reading when you are so stressed. Pack all the extra food items so you cannot get to them too easily. Then stay on the computer and chat with WLS friends. Reaching out is the best thing to do when you are stressed out and falling off the wagon.
Good luck, stay strong.
I noticed my eating has been getting out of hand....instead of letting it go I went to the produce store and bought lots of fresh veggies, lean lunchmeat and cheeses and fresh soon as I got home I clean and cut up everything and have it ready. I take a cooler to work with me with everything in it. that way when I am eating all day its fresh fruits and veggies lean meats and cheeses. this never clicked with me until after surgery...but I can eat much more fruits and veggies than i can high calorie alone I had a tangelo, grapes, blackberries, celery, cucumbers, sliced yellow pepper, raw nuts all of this come no where close to higher calorie food... Of course that's not all I've ate today...breakfast 1scrambled egg with cheese, 1/4cup of cottage cheese and a slice of rye toast, lunch 4slices of boars head light low sodium ham and two slices of swiss chees, dinner I got a crustless pizza and only ate a about 4bites and was full..... I try and keep my calories at 1500 a day...some days I go a little over, some days a little under....but being about to snack when I want to snack....I love my fruits and veggies! AND your body processes natural foods so much better than processed. i say go get some fresh veggies and fruits clean them cut them up and make sure they are always ready to snack on when you want something.
Hope this helps a little
((((((((Michele)))))))))) this is such a poignant and interesting topic to me because i'm right there with you honey! You are SO not alone in wanting new coping mechanisms. I'm having a tough time at work right now because the work load is unrealistic and then I come home and I'm two weeks out (from today) of my oldest sons bar mitzvah! There is NO rest for the weary and no refuge from the insanity at this point and I'm taking it out on myself via food ..... like the old days. I thought those were a distant memory but really it's not that distant and I'm not that happy about it!
Can you go out for a walk, can you just sit quietly and maybe meditate on it? Yesterday was a particularly bad day at work for me, I had a full "to do" list and not one thing got done, I did get quite a bit done just nothing that I wanted/needed to get done if that makes any sense what so ever. I was thinking of stopping for junk on the way home as I didnt' get lunch and it was 4:00 already and I was eating crap all day to sustain myself. I drove to the asian farm market in town and I was picking up stuff i love and then i saw a veggie platter, it was expensive but MAN was it beautiful. I picked it up and brought it home, you'd have thought i brought home a huge bag of junk food the kids were so excited. I brought home a new type of apple that looks like an apple but tates like a grape the kids dug into that post haste. It was really rewarding. ANDI
I hear you about the stress. It takes a toll, no question.
This is just my opinion, for what it's worth:
All calories are not created equal when it comes to two things: (1) malabsorption, and (2) blood-sugar spikes (which affect energy and mood). When I'm tired, or stressed, I want to reach for carbs or sugars because they'll give me a sense of immediate relief -- however briefly -- because of the blood-sugar spike they cause. But that relief is short-lived; I crash shortly thereafter. This makes me want more carbs/sugars. It's a vicious circle.
So I think you're reaching for carbs because you're stressed and perhaps tired and they're actually addressing that for you -- briefly. But at a cost -- and the cost is, they make you want more.
When I get on the carbs/sugars rollercoaster out of fatigue or stress, I'm also giving up the benefits of malabsorption and restriction that came with my RNY. I malabsorb protein and fats. I don't malabsorb carbs and sugars to the same extent (if at all -- those foods begin absorbing while still in the mouth!). What's worse, carbs and sugars (particularly "slide" foods) don't fill up my pouch very well either, so there goes the restriction benefit too. So your stress eating is defeating the two main benefits of your surgery, too.
It's best not to stress eat, but okay, sometimes it's gonna happen. Just feed the Stress Monster with proteins and fats, not carbs and sugars. Cheese & nuts are high in calories, but satisfying and have both protein and fats. Have a delicious southwest chicken wrap (chicken's dense, black beans & salad fixins are good for you, and the wrap is thin, thin carbing -- healthy). Omelettes with cheese and turkey bacon or sausage are very filling. These are not necessarily low in calories, but in terms of your overall eating plan, they'll keep you from overeating all day long whereas an equal calorie amount of carbs and sugars will set you off to graze all day long. Stick with your proteins and fats (following up with carbs only after those, so you're too full to overeat them), and your stress eating will cause limited damage or, more likely, none at all -- because your blood sugars will be more regulated by eating proteins and fats. No rollercoasting means you're staying on a more even keel, and you'll feel much better that way. The stress may still be there, but you won't have added to it with food.
That's how I look at it anyway. And when I quit looking at it that way -- I break all the rules, graze, and regain. (And the stress is still there!)
Hang in there . . . you will get through it!
Suzy C.
Hi Suzy!
Thanks for the great post...I love the reminder that all calories are not created equal for those of us who malabsorb! I tend to forget that! What an encouragement to snack on proteins and fats rather than sweets or salty carbs.
Highest~Hospital Discharge~Current~Goal
293 ~ (11/9/07) 286 ~ 193 ~ 140
Height: 5'-6" Age: 35