Before & After Pics, Let's have Fun!
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Oh here we go again...I can't do this with AOL! I have tried...It's why my profile is not even finished! errgghhh...I tried opening Internet explorer as you this is a test...If I fill up your mail box with edits and know why! I apologize in advance! LOL
Summer 2003 Pre-Op (315 lbs).... My husband is such a dork!
Taken a week ago (165 lbs)

GAWD! I get so frustrated with this! BTW...I can see yours and you look so great! So young and just beautiful!
This is the closest I got to posting a pic in a post...I even signed off AOL to see if it posted and usually I see a little red box where the photos didn't show up...But this time I can actually see them and they stayed there for me. I wonder if they are invisable to everyone...Oh well...I'll try one more thing!
Why thank ya dahlin'...You do too! Just amazing how everyone looks... I had to post my photos to a website to get a web address (I'm so computer tech illiterate) just to put them up here. I could not post them from my personal files...I don't understand why...The website I got from an OH suggestion called "Photobucket"...but that place shrinks the photos automatically and they transfer so tiny...Oh well...better than nothing, but a ton of work! Anita