3 years post op: 4/19/05, Regain +40 HELP w/meal planning!!!
on 3/26/08 8:55 pm
1,349 | 1,075 | 976 | 1,496 |
60 | 49 | 45 | 60 |
149 | 112 | 79 | 162 |
66 | 63 | 58 | 78 |

3/26 Calories: 1,532 C 156 F 66 P 85
Daily Goal Range 1540 - 1890 173 - 307 34 - 74 60 - 165
Today after work will be my first day back. I think with the regular workouts I might be ok at 1500 but we will see. I'm going to try to cycle the calories a bit between 1300 - 1600 and see what happens. I'll confirm this when I see Dr. Kligman as well. Usually when I get into an exercise routine I will work out pretty hard and can get away with a bit more calories. I was a maniac for a while too with the exercise. I'd say borderline "bindge" on the exercise actually. I'd go to the gym and be there for 3 hours that would include cardio 6 days a week and full body str training. I was spinning, doing classes, boxing, and at one point had done some triathalon training. Now I just want to do 30 - 45 min of cardio. I'll add back in some str training when I get consistency with the cardio. Maybe just using my own body weight with traditional crunches, dips, pushups, and all that other fun stuff. I get concerned about going overboard and burning out again. I think that is part of what got me off track. I just crashed and burned out. Too many message boards, too many support groups, too much time in the gym, too obsessive about food intake, etc. My struggle is always finding that healthy balance.
on 3/27/08 12:10 am
Your 3/26 numbers look on target, especially since you are active. Checking with the Dr. is about the Daily Goal Range and intake is a really good idea. The sparkpeople's higher protein range makes me wonder if our livers can really handle that much after WLS. I used to exercise to the point of exhaustion; no healthy balance in those days. The trainer at our gym said that the eliptical trainer is the best for burning off any extra calories. So if you want to drop any extra pounds that works for a quick fix. After that he said to try sticking with strength training / core body is probably the best workout... using some weights also, as they won't cause bulky muscles, but toned ones. Limiting the time to 30-45 minutes total may be what helps you find balance. I had to cut back on the "too manys" also. It can get too stressful; overload!!!
on 3/29/08 10:16 am


on 8/25/08 11:46 pm
Glad to help you with....

on 8/26/08 2:34 am
Calories... 1000-1100
Fat.............. 25-50
Protein....... 50-70
Fatty acids, total saturated: 0-25 (optimum around 10g sat. fat / day)
SparkPeople Pie Chart suggests 15% calories from Protein, 30% calories from Fats, and 55% calories from carbohydrates. I feel more comfortable at 20% Protein, 30% Fats, and 50% carbs.
Let me know how things go for you!