My horoscope today
Hello everybody! Remember me? :) Sorry I've been MIA too... had company for the past couple of weeks... whew, that was a challenge! Lots of dining out and not much exercise... Howevah! :) It appears Ms. Angie is still very mu*****ontrol, because even under these cir****tances, I managed to lose 3.5 pounds... yay Ms. Angie!
So... once in a while I check out my horoscope just for kicks... I'm so very glad today was one of those days! You're gonna have to agre with me... it totally rocks!!!... No compliment from the total stranger yet, but I don't really need it... reading this is motivation enough!
You'll get an objective confirmation of how attractive you really are today when a total stranger gives you a compliment that makes your day. This confidence boost will do wonders for your physical health as well as your mental state, because it will encourage you to take your health regimen up a notch. You're so close to what you want to achieve, why not push a little harder to get all the way there? Prove to yourself that you can do it -- the universe is sending you the support you need.

I was about to send out a rescue mission to find you...
Figured you were busy with life...and you were! Good going...lady! You did quite well!
I know I am always totally out of my element when I have company or I am the company!
Wow...I'm impressed! 3.5 lbs is significant!
Horoscope sounds totally believable!