Sorry I been MIA
Sorry I been MIA> But I have been keeping all of you in my prayers and thought. I want to wish you all that are doing the move to lose the best of luck. I know I have not posted on that thread in two weeks. But my reason is that a lot has been going on over here. To the point that my stress level has now allowed me to walk every day. Up to ten miles a day instead of 8 miles.( hopefully the end of summer I will be up to 15 miles a day lol ) Hopefully very soon I will be joining you all back on the thread did you move to lose. But I do not see that happen very soon. Seeing how I been going to the rcc plus my mother is going in for breast cancer surgery tomorrow. Plus I spend most of my time with my grandfather who is dealing with end stage of cancers. Plus trying to run a house over here and working full time. But then again I am very thankful for the support I get from all of you wonderful women and the few hours. I allow myself to walk and deal with what is going on in my life> I want to wish you all the best of luck with your result and how sexy everyone is going to look at the end of the eight weeks with there new bodies and with how it has help each and everyone one of. Us to eat better so we will all be the hottest and sexist women on the beach this summer. IMO I think Kathy should have all of us post a photo of our self before and after our eight weeks : TO show off our wonderful health bodies and to show how our hard work has payed off:}Taichi
So sorry about all your stress and mom and grandfather! And then to be praying for everyone else! ??? You are someone that mom and GF are sooooo lucky to have. Glad to see you back for a moment with your busy schedule! Don't burn out...Come back for hugs!
Here's a big hug to tide you over for a while
and sending warm and peaceful wishes to both mom and GF too!