Any recommendations for fatige?
Did you get copies of the tests? Most doctors only do the TSH and if it's low normal they tell you it's ok. You really need to do the full gamate of thyroid tests:
Total T4/Total Thyroxine
Free T4/Free Thyroxine
Total T3
Free T3
Antibodies Test - antithyroid antibodies (ATA)
TRH - thyrotropin-releasing hormone stimulation test
Reverse T3 Test
Basel Body Temperature Test
Plus family history
Do a search for these tests and you'll see what they are for -
Also, get copies of the results - if they just tell you that you are ok, make them prove it!
My doctor usually does FreeT3 every time I get tested - now that I am on meds, it has actually come up to low normal but should be higher. I am taking Armour Thyroid 60 mg - 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. Sometimes I don't think it's enough.
One thing I have figured out is that most doctors only get 4 hours of training on hormones - one of which is thyroid. Unless they go out of their way to train, they don't know much more than you if you do your research.
Other hormones to check are your estrodial, progesterone, and your testosterone (even girls need to have testosterone to some extent). Good book to read is Hormone Hell to Hormone Well by Randolf and James; and
The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormones, 2nd edition by Michael E., M.D. Platt Diona
Diona Austill
Miles City, MT
Miles City, MT