celiac sprue?
Current weight:120 and still 5'4
Current weight:120 and still 5'4
I tested for Celiac and Dermatitis Herpetiformis and the tests came back negative recently. I did alot of searches on the internet and there are alot of things they've discovered and places to get wheat and gluten free stuff. My understanding is that you have to carry that gene (a relative has had it in your family) and then when something happens that is a shock to your system (car accident, hard pregnancy, surgery) your body clicks in and it happens. One of the things they tested for,since I had removed bread and pasta already from my diet was vitamin deficiency. When the intestines get attacked, the silia lay down and you SUPER malabsorb and don't take in any nutrients. Some symptoms are really really bad diarhea and very smelly poo. The following may be TMI but the poo floats and has a sort of oil slick with it because the oil or fat doesn't absorb at all. Everything just goes right through. My aunt has Celiac and gave me the low down on that. I had to insist that they test me for it because the dermatologist was really a butt head over it. My PCP and my allergist both were backing me up so I got that ruled out. at least I was set up to accept that diagnosis and would have had to give up wine coolers and beer. Malt has gluten in it...The list is very very long. Good luck. Keep us posted.
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130