Hoodia or Appetite Suppressants
on 3/18/08 1:58 pm
Thanks Tanny, not exactly what I wanted to hear but you hit it right on the nose. It's just plain old hard work and being conscious of every bite and what time and how much and believe it or not I had all those things down pat for 1.5 years. Not all of them are gone. I think it's more like I have most of them but need to re-define and refine the remaining stuff I"ve let slack off and even that much is frustrating as it represents my old morbidity obese life I thought I'd gotten away from. On a good note, the other night at Mom's I ate her regular mac and cheese; I dumped. Hers had two much fat in it. I'm so used to cooking non-fat, low-sugar that when I eat at someone's else's house I almost always get sick. That's how I know I did ingrain some good habits; I just need to be more on top of them. The spitting out and the throwing out of food....that's harder than folks think. But, it's the correct thing to do. When you are eating for life vs. living to eat, you want to make your foods count!
For me, limiting my carbs and cutting out sweets helps control my appetite more than anything else. I still have a major problem with not wanting to waste food (a mental thing I need to work desperately on), so I tend to want to eat something just so it won't go to waste. Good luck and if you find an appetite suppressant that works, please let us know. Lori