How do you eat enough to not supplement?
I am a firm believer in protein shakes so I guess it shouldn't matter, but just got through putting all of my food for today into fitday and cannot get 100 grams of protein without shakes and a protein bar.
I know I'm still very restricted on intake, especially when I eat dense protein......but I see so many that get enough food protein in, even those that are 6-8 months out and was wondering or should I say puzzled *shrug*.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
I would have to say their calories intake is probably close to 3000 if they are just doing dense protein from foods. I didn't make 100 grams today and have been feeling guilty all night but I decided (bad decision) to eat cottage cheese this afternoon and I simply can not get 100 without 2 drinks and one small meal. My drinks give me 40 grams..I must be okay since my blood work was right on. For me I think it would be impossible without my drinks and amino acids.
I should also mention when I use 20 grams concentrated whey protein I am not getting the full amount because its concentrated. I get concentrated in the drink (lo carb slimfast) which I only count mentally as 10., its not a true 20 grams. . The 20 grms. isolated whey ie; Unjury I get a true 20 grams because it is isolated. So what I am saying is unless its isolated its not the true value.
Where you aware of this?
Michelle, I agree on all aspects......I don't have a Nut (insurance wouldn't pay for one) and my surgeon was/is anti-protein supplements......however, this is my body and I know how important it is for my health.....when not supplementing I am totally exhausted.
Also on the vitamins, there are so many that I feel will be crying in the future because of deficiencies; all we have to do is look at what some of the long-termers are experiencing and see it happens.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
I can get in about 90 g of protein without supplements, and even that is a stretch. I need the supplements for both the protein and the calories! I might be satisfied with 90g of protein if I weren't working out - but since I do weight training I really try hard to keep the numbers up and I feel very sluggish if my protein drops below 100g for 2 or 3 days in a row...
Lap RNY 6/7/07 (Consult -196 / Current - 111.2)
LBL/BA 8/13/08
Coccygectomy 3/09
I think it depends on the type of surgery you have had...and if you've had the RNY how large your pouch is.....
Most of the men on the men's forum can eat enough protein (I'm speaking of RNYers)...almost all the DSers I know can eat enough protein as soon as they pass their 6 month mark (many before that).
I could eat all the protein I need (150-200 grams a day....because of my work out routine), but I choose not to....and drink a shake or two a day.
Hi Dana!! You know I'm an eater, LOL, but I don't get in 100 grams of protein per day~I usually range around 70-80 and somewhere between 1500-2000 calories per day. I love white albacore tuna and cottage cheese~they are daily staples for me and they are packed with protein so that helps me alot. I do protein bars occasionally, but had to stop doing shakes per my colon/rectal surgeon b/c they were the main cause of my severe constipation and internal damage in that area~he said for my body it was like eating wood chips! Anyway, there's nothing wrong with using supplements if you can~to each his/her own I always say!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"