Have a gas problem??
I saw this in Barbara's newletter too and have heard about it before~I just don't think I could use it, LOL!!!! I have a problem especially after eating anything high in fiber, but I need the fiber due to constipation problems~such a dilema!! I usually just eat my fiber at night and torture my family vs. the general public, LOL!!! I have heard people rave about Devrom and should just place an order to give it a try!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
Devrom does help with the odor, which is a GOOD thing!!
I find that sugar alcohols are a real problem for my digestion and generate a lot of gas. If I want something sweet, I just go for a cup of herbal tea with agave sugar or honey.
I do have to be careful about carb consumption--for some reason this is also a trigger.
Good luck.
Ii have to tell you I thought this was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time! Can'tbelieve anyone uses them, or thinks it works!
Gas is just one of the side effects of rny I decided. Sometimes it sneaks out and its embarassing, othertimes its tootie-tootie! AHHHHH! The price we have to pay for being thin!
blessings, and still laughing,
I take 2 chewables at a time, some days 1or 2 times, some days 4 doses, depending on what I eat. I'm not a big meat eater, and get alot of my protein from beans. The Devrom tablets have a very mild, slightly sweet flavor, not hard to tolerate flavor wise at all. If I'm eating beans, I also take 2 beano capsules to cut down on gas production.