Friday weigh in

preop 316, low post op 166, 200 regain, 189 now, 165 goal

Home sick from work today..All those SF carby stuff I ate yesterday came back with a vengence after dinner...Up all night hanging around the bowl. Not my idea of a good time.. Last week? 118 This week: 119.6 Essentially maintaining. If I keep this up till June, I'll have been essentially maintaining a whole year. Last night I had an epiphany. People after WLS sometimes have alot of excess skin and they get it removed by plastics. That skin weighs something. Someone said they would lose 15-20 pounds in excess skin. Hmmm. I have excess skin but not enough to look into plastics (I'm too cheap) but I bet I have at least 10 pounds in excess skin hanging around my middle and legs. I can easily grab a handful on each side and haul it up to flatten out the wrinkles. So without my excess skin, I'd weigh less than 110 POUNDS! OMG. I'm freaking SKINNY. Makes me wanna eat a donut in celebration!
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130