Day 5 of the pseudo-Medifast Diet
I can't believe it's been nearly two months since I updated here. Wow. A lot has happened since then.
We went to Costa Rica Feb 4-14. It was amazing. I walked around a lot an didn't eat too badly.
Pam fell on the ice last Sunday (March 2) and broke her wrist. She has a hard splint on it up to the elbow and is going for a recheck on Friday.
Sparky tore his left ACL. In the process of doing a pre-surgery workup they discovered that he possibly has Cushing's Disease. He is going in today for an orthopedic evaluation and a third test to narrow down the possiblities for his elevated alk phos level.
I decided there is simply too much going on to add one more major stressor so I am postponing my PS indefinitely. I feel good about this decision.
When Pam went to the doctor last Monday, she discovered that she weighed more than 300 pounds. That was the last straw for her. When I weight myself on Saturday I was 142 - a new post-surgery high. That was kind of the last straw for me. On Friday we ordered the Medifast package. On Sunday we starting a pseudo-Medifast diet - logging things and using Slim Fast shakes and bars in place of the Medifast ones. At my weigh-in this morning, I had lost five pounds! Pam had lost seven. So I guess it's really working for us. It is so much easier to be on the same plan together.
RNY 3/1/2006
218/208/137/110 - 4'11"
Has Pam had the surgery too and re-gained? What is Medifast? I have been really struggling the past year or so with re-gain. I can totally see how you can inch your way back to the begining. Your current "high" weight is less than my lowest goal, but I am 5'6".
I am finally getting back on track and realizing that this is a lifelong endeavour and the surgery wasn't a cure-all.