Vegetable Juicing
Hi Jennifer... I have times I feel like my head is in a box or cloudy. I get moments of just plain sleepiness. I fight it. I took my first afternoon nap in years last sunday...I just could not keep my eyes open (Unexpected company for two days wore me out) ...Slept for three hours and couldn't fall to sleep that night til wee hours of the morning...SO I'll fight the afternoon sleepies next time. I actually feel quite well. I keep waiting for it to hit me like a ton of bricks and it's just not. I feel pretty good...just a little tired. My doc seems to have forgetten about me. I called her, and have been waiting for two days for a return call. I'm still waiting on a B-1 test that was taking a while to come back and a second zinc test too...I've been pumping the iron in me in an "amino-acid chelate" form....rather than the ferrous sulfate she prescribed. I read page after page on iron and found the amino acid form to be the bariatric doctors choice for best absorption in WLS people. And a fumerate? Or something like that! I haven't found I am sticking to the amino kind I have. My doc knows I am not the kind of person who runs to the doctor for every ache and pain...and actually I am the kind that you have to drag in there bleeding to death before I go in. So she's pretty much letting me try to fix this my way first. She knows i do a lot of research...and I know if I feel bad...I can call her and she'll get me in immediately. I may request to speak to a blood doc for a second opinion on the anemia. I am in NO hurry for iron infusions or blood transfusions...No hurry at all. How are you feeling? Anita
Thanks for your response. I am tired all the time. It kind of freaked me out that I slept for 9 hours Saturday night then took a nap for two hours at noon Sunday. But on the flip side I am glad I have some answers as to why I never feel good. I have started the "hema" iron from the nutritionist and take it with vitamin C. I had been taking over the counter iron all along but taking it all wrong (at the same time as all of my other supplements). I know it will take some time to get the numbers up so I have cut back a little on the exercise program and trying to get in more red meat (not my favorite). I am like you that I never go to the doctor. My PCP has been faxing my blood results to the surgeon for the last four years so this was the first time I had even talked to the surgeon since my one year check up. I like that he tries to handle most everything over the phone so I do not have to drive 5 hours.
I am glad you are feeling good and not really feeling the effects of the anemia. Hope you are 100% soon.