Stressed out and wanting to eat anything that will hold still. *WARNING* long, sad and maybe...
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
on 3/6/08 11:14 pm
First, believe in your strength. You are a very good mother who got her children safe. With his history I would hope that the system will back you. Are you able to get his parental rights terminated ? Be prepared if he makes contact. Begin with a restraining order and keep a journal with dates, times, etc. to have a paper trail. Notify your attorney...child protective services...victim advocates or any other agency that was involved with your case & make them aware if need be. I was successful in having my X's rights terminated. CSA was founded but he was never convicted. I have a teenager & know all too well how this can be. Everyones situation is differant tho. Is there any positive role models or Uncles or men in his life that he can confide in & talk to ? I know it does help my son when other than myself speak to him. At times I back off & let the dust settle. Don't give up...he belongs in school & deserves a good education. Taking him out of school should not be an option. Children have stresses too & it is such a challenge at times to guide them. As for your sister, just try to be there to listen when you can. It's always a comfort to know someone understands. With all that you have on your plate your only human remember that. She'll find her strength. Hope this helped in some way. Take care
{{{{{DAWN}}}} Your story rattled me to the core...I certainly can relate to some of your story...The rest is downright unimaginable. Please stay safe from your EX...Do whatever you have to do. You really have your hands tied and full! I couldn't even pretend I'd have a clue what to do! All I can don't find yourself alone. Have a plan to escape if you have to...Pack a suitcase and have all your important papers/ some cash/ a disposable phone card/ put the plice and fire dept on speed dial...Whatever you can think of... Keep all this stuff together in a place you can grab really fast if you have to get away.(trunk of the car maybe... Drive your car right into the Fire Dept or police station if you must....(I did that once when a bunch of guys got out of their car and at a stop light and tried to ambush me in my car) I saw them get out of the car behind me and try to sneak over to the doors which were locked! I put my foot on the gas went straight thru three red lights and at the end of the street was a Fire Station..I pulled right on in to the open bays where the fire trucks were! Those Fire Fighters thought I had lost my freaking mind! Hey...better to be safe than sorry! Warn everyone you know that you are scared including the police...Make it clear to the EX that you're prepared and he'll know that he's going away forever if something happens to you. This is a rough time for you for certain. You've got a bumpy road ahead...and you know it....I'm with everyone else I am just wishing you the strength to get through and find a way to be good to yourself at the same time even though so many need you right now. Just don't give up on you...Try to stay healthy! Good luck to you...