Friday weigh in
Last week 192
This week 189
I have mt favorite pair of Levis on, size 10 and they look GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Clothes are all fitting better! Gonna work out later today, One day off is enough!

Back on Track Dana
preop 316, low post op 166, 200 regain, 189 now, 165 goal
preop 316, low post op 166, 200 regain, 189 now, 165 goal

How'd I miss this post...hmm
Last week 131 all week but Fri 134 scared the carbs out of me and I was on 5 day test
This week; 129 but I did see 126.5 for a minute this morning does that count.
I scale does one weight then jumps about 2.5 lbs, not sure why its does this but happens to hubby as well.
Current weight:120 and still 5'4