Friday weigh in
I am holding steady at 145. I haven't been on the board in over a year but I decided I needed to come back to remember to be healthy. I felt so "normal" that I didn't think I needed it anymore (if that makes any sense). I am 5 '11" and I dropped to 130 this summer after maintaining 140 since I was 11 months out. I was very physically active and I was under a lot of stress. I noticed that I was having an unhealthy obsession with my weight and how skinny I could get. I think I understood what some people with eating disorders feel about being able to control that one thing in their life. Now my goal is to slide back to 140 where I was comfortable for so long without getting obsessed over it. Kind of tricky though!
Maintaining is GOOD! GOOD!
Last week 164.9
This week 164.2
Would help if I could get my heart rate going a little...I was all reved up and ready for warm power walking weather...But looks like I will be just be strolling along smelling the flowers for now! :)
TOM's gone so no more excuses for eating sugary chocolate stuff and fluff