Did You Move To Lose Today?
Hey Everyone
Well today is a better day
The only thing that saved me yesterday was NOT having any junk in the house. Trust me if it had been there I would have eatin it. Would it have helped? NO, would I have felt better? NO Would it solve my problems? NO...but I would have anyhow
I didn't feel like going out yesterday, to many tears...but I did at the end of the day get out my free weights and did some upper and lower body reps.
Sit ups - 100
Push ups - 2 x 20
Bi curls - 10 lbs 2x10
Tri curls - 10 lbs 2x10
I plan on going to my boxing class tonight....
So my friends, how is it going? Did You Move To Lose and or Maintain Today? Let us know how the first week is going on our challenge? Do you feel you are pushing yourself? You don't want it to be easy but not impossible either
Stay Sexy, Sassy and Strong.
Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
Wow....I'm impressed that you made it thru such a rough day. I would have eaten---now I would have eaten more healthy stuff--and far less of it, but I would have eaten. I'm glad things are looking up today, too!
I have to redo one of my 8 week goals. Yesterday I ran two miles!!! I was soooo excited!
Today it was back tot he eliptical (35 minutes) and the bike 25 minutes. Then lots of good dessert stretching :-)
Hi Kim,
Did you see my post about the secret to staying on track when stressing? The gest was I had no bad food in the house....
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/wls_grads/a,messageboard/a ction,replies/board_id,5491/cat_id,5091/topic_id,3549396/
What is dessert stretching?
HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
Yay Kim - well done for running 2 miles, you go girl!!
I'm also adding to my goals - I am aiming to run a mile by the end of it, instead of walking my mile most days. Today, with my handbag over my shoulder, and no one around (they might have thought I was running late...thats' the plan anyway, so I feel less conspicuous) I ran about a third of the way - walk / run / walk (and recover!!) / run / walk. I felt really pleased with myself and actually ran further than I thought I would be able to. I think if I can stick at it, I'll get to runing the mile.
So then I also did 2 sets of 15 stomach crunches and will try to do one more set on my way up to bed tonight.
Keep you eyes on the prize everyone and in 8 weeks we'll be there before we know it.
Kathy .
First off thank you for the hugs. They sure did help out alot last nite :}
Like they say when it it rains it pours over here.
seeing how I just got a call from our RCC. Today saying that I need to go and see them three times a week for the next five weeks. And to plan to spend 2 hours getting transfusion and a half hour for them to do blood work.
Like the saying goes a women knows her body better than anyone else. Even thou a week ago the hemogloist(SP) told me that my blood work was okay. And he said he would see me in four months
So being pi$$ed off at them for telling me. I am not okay.
I went walking 8 miles and rode my bike for 8 miles. An d then went and worked off at the gym for a hour.
But I look at it in a postive a way instead of eating the ears off of a 10 pound chocolate rabbit over here. I work out where. In the old days I would of ate that rabbit and went to the store and got another one
I hope everyone is having a wonderful day and tomorrow will even be wonderful for all of us. have a great nite and a wonderful work out today :}
Oh God I am having serious flash backs on the chocolate bunnies
I used to buy several chocolate bunnies the big ones of course, for all my kids. The issue? I only had one kid
See you showed me what I did wrong. I did not go and workout and that is what lead to me just feeling like I was going to burst. Thank you for setting such a great example.
Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
Kathy, you did so good last night by getting in some free-weight work, which is better than I would have done under the cir****tances.
I just read your other post about not keeping junk food in the house, and boy, is that the truth! I know that when I'm just standing in front of the fridge or pantry and all I want to grab is something crappy, then I know I'm not really hungry--I'm just wanting to graze.
During my 1st year or so post-op, I did have some (not much) junk around that my dh ate or my grandson when they were in town--but it didn't tempt me back then. NOW, unfortunately, I'm constantly tempted by stupid crap food that I don't even like that much.
So common sense would tell me to just get it out of the house. It's not like I don't know this from every single diet book or article I've ever read! At this point, I know that if I don't set up my environment for success, I'm pretty much guaranteeing my failure.
I felt much better today--still a little cough & tickly throat, but overall, I feel pretty normal. Went to the gym for 25 min. of cardio and 25 min. of lower body weight training.
I started using www.thedailyplate.com and really like it! Thanks for mentioning it! I had tried fitday.com a couple times in the past but just didn't like it--too many things that I couldn't easily figure out, so I was taking so-o--o much time and ending up frustrated & not sticking w/ it. I think thedailyplate is so much easier to use!!

Hi Jo
Why is it that we can post here and smile and nod, yep I know what they are speaking of. But others don't understand. That is why I love this place....
I am glad you are feeling better!!! I kept trying to use fitday also as everyone said it was the best. Then I posted a list of different websites and someone came on and said hey...what about thedailyplate? I went there and fell in love with it. I am amazed the list of food.
See you tomorrow

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130