General Diet Question

.Anita R.
on 3/6/08 2:00 am - Stafford, VA

Hey Diane... That's exactly what happened to me. But remember that complex carbs are nothing near what bad carbs are. Complex carbs give you some fiber too and that is a really important part of diet! So don't worry about that so much. Lemme tell ya what I noticed... All I had to do was figure out what I was really eating (journaling) From there I can cut calories in fats or volume to get the calories down and the good numbers up. It made a huge difference without much sacrifice. I might cut an ounce or a half ounce depending on where I want to cut something.  My numbers are all over the place! LOL I eat such a varied food menu from day to day. The people who seem to do really good are the ones with a consistant, very similar food menu and numbers! I can't do that!  I just cannot be that controlled! I'm a foodie! Gotta eat variety...( alright...honestly...I don't want to do that...of course I can) With that comes a very unstable calorie count daily. By journaling I can at least try to balance the calories and try to get my protein in. Veggies don't add a whole lot of calories or carbs for that matter unless it is a super sweet dense food like banana...But If I want a banana..I will eat one!  But I try to watch the rest of my sugar and carbs that day...That's the kinda day you don't want to add orange juice and pancakes and breads, rice or pastas.  You have to try to find a balance.  I was FINALLY able to stabilize my weight by keeping my calories somewhat averaged. It really really helped!  I wouldn't say so if it didn't! To be quite honest...I used to think journaling was a being just a bit obsessive ( I would keep a questimate type journal now and then to see where I was)...but it's not obsessive when you need to learn things about yourself that you didn't know or you thought you knew and were WRONG!  LOL And...If your way is not need to find out why!   It's not obsessive at all! It's responsible! LOL Try it for a few weeks and see if you don't get your weight down...Getting in a little exercise REALLY helps too. Anything extra that you can squeeze in a day!  It's really quite simple if you can wrap you mind around all the work it takes to figure out all your calories and just do it!  It's fun now...I love seeing what I'm doing.  I'm trying for 1300 cals a day...Sometimes I go well over and sometimes I don't make it...but I aim for that and I stay honest to myself for trying at least! LOL 

on 3/6/08 2:10 am

Thank Anita ~ I've been trying to use Fitday to track everything.  I've never been one who liked to journal what I eat because I just felt too much like I was on a diet and I had surgery so I wouldn't have to be on an eternal diet.   But I have realized that I need to keep track of what I eat so that I can learn from it.  That said, I need to enter my food for today.   I will continue with the journaling so that I can see where I need to make adjustments. You girls are the best, thanks so much for the posts today!

Pre-Revision: 228 - I had my second baby Feb. 18, 2009
Current Weight: 186 I had a revision via lap to my RnY on August 18, 2009

Elisa K.
on 3/6/08 2:31 am - Lumberton, NJ
Do you have a NUT?  Mine has really helped me to refocus.  I see her every 3 months or so.  I had gotten off track around the holidays, and being 2 years out, the weight was not dropping off anymore.  I started using fitday about a week before my appointment, and just ate whatever, but recorded it.  I printed everything out for my apoinment.  We went through everything, and she made suggestions on how to get the calories and carbs down, the protien up, things I could substitute other things for, etc.  Seriously - it was a huge help!!  For the last 25 years, I had either been on some sort of diet (WW, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, Atkins) or the complete opposite of a diet.  I really didn't (and am still working on learning) know how to eat normal, healthy food, as a lifestyle.  She has really helped me.        
on 3/6/08 2:42 am
Elisa, do you see the NUT from your surgeon's group or do you have your own NUT?  If you have your own NUT is it covered by your insurance? I made a call today to the NUT with my surgeon's group.  She's in another state (I've moved since my surgery) but I know she'll be able to help me over the phone.   I will ask her if I should fax her my Fitday food journals.  Great idea!

Pre-Revision: 228 - I had my second baby Feb. 18, 2009
Current Weight: 186 I had a revision via lap to my RnY on August 18, 2009

Elisa K.
on 3/6/08 3:44 am - Lumberton, NJ
I see the NUT that is associated with my surgeons office - I drive 2 hours one way to see her (she is located in Northern NJ - I am in Southern NJ).  I have been seeing her since before my surgery, and I will probably continue to see her every 4 to 6 months until she gets sick of me - LOL.  I am down 190 lbs, and I seriously, don't think I could have done it without her!  I just switched insurance, but prior, her visits were covered.  I will now be paying out of pocket, but I think she will be charging me $75 per hour.  They way I figure it, I spent waaay more on whatever the diet of the month was prior to surgery.  I will gladly shell out $300 per year if it means I will keep on track.  Once I get down to my goal weight (I have about 10 lbs to go) I want to work very closely with her to maintain my weight.  I seriously only know how to lose weight, or gain weight - I don't think I ever maintained weight! 
on 3/6/08 3:51 am
Elisa ~ That is so great.  My NUT is in Boston and I live near Philly so I can't just drive to see her.  I really wish I could though.  I am looking forward to a call from her tomorrow.  I haven't spoken to a NUT since I moved back to PA in 2001.   Maybe she knows someone here she can refer me to.  That would be wonderful!

Pre-Revision: 228 - I had my second baby Feb. 18, 2009
Current Weight: 186 I had a revision via lap to my RnY on August 18, 2009

Elisa K.
on 3/6/08 4:02 am - Lumberton, NJ
You are not far from me - I live about 20 minutes from Philly - small world!!   Have you tried posting on the PA and NJ boards?  I'm sure someone could recommend a NUT in the vicinity.  
Betsy C.
on 3/6/08 2:36 am - Efland, NC
Anita - Is your journal just hand-written, or is it something like FitDay or SparkPeople (electronic)? Been thinking about you.  How are you feeling today? Betsy

Lap RNY 5/7/03
I lost 50+ pounds of regained weight with hCG drops.

.Anita R.
on 3/6/08 3:01 am - Stafford, VA
I'm good! Waiting for my B1 and B12 test result from doc...She said she'd call today...or tomorrow.   I wanted to tell you I love your new photo!  Very pretty! Ihad a huge headache for two days and didn't want to take anything with all the vits and supps I am on right now! So I suffered thru it. I feel goo today though! I hand write mine and calculate by the labels on the food I am eating. I measure my food lately to get an accurate total. Then I mainly  use    and if I can't find what i am looking for here (they have some restaurant menu facts too! Which I love ...then I go to  I usually find what I need between these two sites.  I think both of these have their own online journal...But I like to take my note book with me so I don't foregt to write my stuff down. I love my computer...but I'm still very old school when it comes to organization...I even keep my bills in a handwritten journal! LOL  That's just me.  I post it over in the accountability thread...I eat such a weird variety compared to everyone else! LOL But...what can I say? I love food and I can't hide it!  So at least I am accountable for it this way...It's been a cool learning experience to see how others are doing it with consistency...I bounce all over the place with my calories and my intakes. Some weeks i am shocked how little I eat...and other times I am almost red in the face posting my fat grams! LOL But...Hey...It's all a learning experience! You can never be so certain of anything when you have such a variety in your choices. It's a great way to find where to cut back too...It's so easy to find a way out of a potentially bad day when you log your food...Or make it up in better choices the next day.   How are you feeling?
Betsy C.
on 3/6/08 3:09 am - Efland, NC
I'm glad you're feeling better.  I wonder if the bouncing you do with your intake and calories keeps your body guessing, and therefore keeps your metabolism up.   I don't do as much with variety because my husband is such a finiky eater, so we tend to eat a lot of the same things routinely.  Once I get back on solid foods, I'm going to start making some of Michelle's recipes from  Her blog is a hoot to read, and has become the highlight of my day.  And her recipes are wonderful.  Before I had the RESTORe procedure last week, I tried a couple of her low carb tortilla pizzas.  Even my husband loved them.  I can't wit to go back to them in a few months.  I have been copying all her recipes and saving them in my Google Documents under "Shelly's Recipes" so I can quickly access them.  I've told her she should write a cookbook.  BTW, I've now lost 8-1/2 pounds since the procedure last Thursday.  Whoooohoooo!!! Betsy

Lap RNY 5/7/03
I lost 50+ pounds of regained weight with hCG drops.

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