Recent problems 3 years post-op
I had a banded Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy VSG on 12/7/04 with Dr Elariny in VA. I weighed 540 and now weigh 237. I have had no problems until about a year ago. If I ate right before I fell asleep, it would come back up when I fell asleep. I stopped eating before bed and it got better. But within the last few months, food is not digesting very well. As soon as I fall asleep, whatever is in my stomach comes back up. If I am laying on my back, liquid shoots out of my nose. Then I start to get phlegm in the back of my throat. I cough it up and it returns within two minutes. I cough so much, my throat is raw. The phlegm gets in my throat/airway and make a ratteling sound when i breathe. The only way to stop this is to puke up everything that I have.
I do take 30 MG of prevecid for acid production control. What color should acid reflux be? I always heard it is dark brown or black. The other morning I woke up at 6. I had issues the night before and puked everything out of my stomach. So I was empty. I drank about 1 cup of water and went back to sleep. As soon as I fell asleep. The water came back up into my mouth. I spit it into a cup to analyze it and it was almost pure water. Completely clear. The band that I have is not adjustable and not meant to be removed. Since I had so much to lose, I was supposed to have a DS but performed in two stages. When the second stage was to be done, the band would be removed. But I lost 300 lbs with only the restrictive procedure so I didn't need the other half.
I recently moved to Seattle and my Dr is in Virginia. So I need to find someone new. Anyone else have anything similar happen to them?
I live probably near where you used to live. My surgeon moved to Seattle... Joseph Chebli. He doesn't do the VSG but I'd suggest you go talk to him and he can either treat you or refer you.
You might want to also consider going and seeing a gastroenterologist and get an EGD done to take a look inside your esophagus and stomach and see what is going on there.
You might want to also post on the yahoogroup OSSG-Graduates. Lots of NW US folks there who can refer you to a surgeon. Good luck, Kathy

~Rich~6'5.0"~open RNY~08/05/2004~>500+/450/437/250/239/320(high/consult/preop/goal/low/current)

He's maybe a teeeensy bit short in temperament, but you can tell him I sent ya! (I'm local to him)
RNY, distal, 10/5/94
P.S. My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.