Please take your vitamins and supplements
So glad you have the info you need to get back on track. You know I am here if you need something.
I know you are gonna get this fixed, it will take time so bear with it and remember the blood needs oxygen to support your sweet heart.
Vitamins and supplements come first in my life then protein. I have always been deligent taking them and still had my anemia issues (currently not anemic) so its very important to have the blood work done on a regular basis. Also the ferritin is something not all dr run and that is where my problem laid. As I have said many times before I have always had blood issues so I was familiar with running blood work every 3 weeks but once I had RNY it did get worse . I will bet some here have not been to have any blood work done.
Knowledge is power!
Current weight:120 and still 5'4
Thanks, Anita,
I need to hear this periodically. I'm not horrible about taking my vits, but I'm not great either. And I don't even have the excuse that I have to take a ton of them. So far, it's just multi, cal cit, sub B12, so you wouldn't think that would be so tough. My problem is mainly the cal cit, as I HATE to swallow pills. (My multi is chewable.) I do like the liquid cal cit I've been taking, but it's not handy to take w/ me anywhere. So this week I finally ordered 2 different kinds of cal cit: UpCal D, which I know a lot of people like, as well as another kind of chewable cal cit, so hopefully I'll like both of them.
We're all pulling for you to get all this under control, which I know you will!
Thanks for posting this Anita.
I'm sorry you are going through it ~ hopefully others can learn from your story, and that your body responds/recovers quickly. I always enjoy reading your posts, you make me smile!
I have never had any post op follow up as I travelled abroad for my surgery. So although I take vitamins, I have never had any blood work done and feel I should (especially as you say you feel fine but obviously wasn't!). I need to take a 'shopping list' to my PCP. Can anyone post a definitive list of the blood tests we should have done please that I can print out and take to them?
**Edited**OK ~ I've just read Angies post - should'a read it first!! So please ignore my request as I've now got a wonderful 'shopping list' to take along to my doctors. What they are going to say about it is another matter, but I'm going to push for them all - after all it's my health at stake here.
Dear Anita, thanks for sharing your story with all of us. It is lesson for any of us who think since we eat well and feel well we don't need to take our vitamins.
I am so glad you have gotten checked out and are now getting the neccessary supplements your body needs to stay healthy.
Keep us posted on how things go.
Stay well.
I wanted to thank all of you for your well wishes! It's nice to know you all....and I'm glad to help in anyway I can. I don't know that all of my trouble is my RNY but taking the vits and supps are certainly something we should not ignore along with going in for labs...AT LEAST yearly or more.
One good thing I noticed after some research is that I misread my Vit D labs and I am GOOD on Vitamin D and calcium!!! YAY! One less thing to worry about! :::phew::: Just thought I'd share that.
The others are... correctly and still not good..but they WILL be! LOL I'm sucking on rusty nails and dipping carrots in fish oils...EWWWW I'm kidding. But I'm taking my vits and supps....that's for sure! Can you imagine if there were no supplements?
Thank you again...I love you guy'es! You are the best!
Make your appointments ladies and gents out there!! I mean it! :::Stern look::::
Love ya's