Please take your vitamins and supplements

.Anita R.
on 3/5/08 2:11 am - Stafford, VA

I thought, that because I have done so well with my weight loss and have kept my weight stabilized (minor problems here and there) that I was fine and doing well. I thought that since after my weight loss of 150 lbs stopped (two years ago) that because I felt healthy and look great that I didn't need to see a doctor for blood work...and I didn't need to take all the vitamins that made me constipated or made me nauseas... I thought I was eating what I needed...Heck, if I can gain weight, I must be absorbing my vitamins with all those calories, right???? ::::::WRONG::::WRONG:::::WRONG::::: Oh yes, I absorb calories alright...I eat healthy alright...and I also malabsorb my vitamins and minerals. Maybe we are not all as sensitive as I am...but why risk it??? I am not looking forward to what is yet ahead of me to remedy this mess I caused myself...I don't feel sorry for myself. I'm pissed though. How could someone so diligent and commited make such a stupid mistake? Well I did and I'm going to pay for it.  I don't want to scare anyone just because I am a little scared. But if you are not taking care of the health part of your WLS...I want you to start now to be a worried enough to get your labs and make sure you are doing well.  It takes a while to get to this don't wait. New tests yesterday show that not only am I anemic...but I am deficient in Vitamins A, and Magnesium...and close to Vitamins E and D deficient too. I am slowly losing all my bodies stored supplies of nutrients. I am good on protein, calcium and my cholesterol and fat and heart is fantastic.  My blood is starving for oxygen and they are competing with me for every breath I take. And the thing is...I feel FINE!!!!  Now that is scary! I have been carrying around my blood tests in my handbag in case something happens they might find them and help me if I can't tell them what's going on. Right now I am on a toxic dose of the grossest bloody tasting  iron pills!  It keeps repeating on me like a mouth full of blood. It's disgusting and making quite queazy.  Pepermint gum helps...kind of. I am 4 years post op!  FOUR YEARS!!! It took that long to get to this point. I beg anyone who also thinks they are invincible and that their body still works the same as before surgery to know that it doesn't! It will catch up to you if you are not keeping an eye on these things by getting labs and taking the darned supplements. Just take them! If your body doesn't need them, they will flush out and don't stop unless your doctor says it's okay.  Please take care of yourselves...Stay healthy my friends! Watch me get this beat!  Anita

(deactivated member)
on 3/5/08 2:22 am, edited 3/5/08 2:23 am

(((((Anita!))))) I'm just glad you know now and can get to work on getting yourself up to par, yes? Would you mind terribly if I posted a link to this thread on my blog? Angie
.Anita R.
on 3/5/08 2:26 am - Stafford, VA
Absolutely! I want people to be aware that they can hurt themselves... Hugs Anita
Betsy C.
on 3/5/08 2:38 am - Efland, NC
Anita - I think you need to scare people.  It's an extremely serious situation.  Maybe your situation will be a slap in the head to any others who have relaxed the vits and supps over the years.  It's amazing how all this could be going on with you, but you still feel fine.  You and I have the opposite problem.  I've always been diligent about vits and supps, but not so diligent about my eating habits.  Thus, my weight gain over the last few years.  Thank God both situations can be remedied.  We are going to watch you get this thing beat, and support you along the way. {{{Hugs}}} Betsy

Lap RNY 5/7/03
I lost 50+ pounds of regained weight with hCG drops.

(deactivated member)
on 3/5/08 2:49 am
Thank you for posting this. I am also not the best at taking my vitamins. I'm supposed to take one every morning and every night, and I usually take one in the morning, never at night. I'm afraid it'll catch up with me one day. Thanks for taking the time to warn everybody.
on 3/5/08 4:14 am - erie, PA
Anita I wish you the best of luck in getting your lab back on track. I know what you are going thur. But in my case I learned the hard way. I did not find this out until I was 18 months out from my surgery. That I was not taking the right vitamins and mineral supplements. So now my Dr have me on optisource .Four times a day it is a post bariatric surgery formula. That has all the right mineral and vitamin in them. Here where I lack in my lab work. Vitamin D, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B12, Iron, Plus low potassium levels. The only reason they found out. I was having major vitamin problems was because . I felt like sh"" and I did not want to get out of my bed. Plus my skin was a nice bluish gray color. Yes I have had so far since last . April 12 iron transfusion. Plus three units of blood. Plus a every week trip to the rrc for blood work. Like I said it was due to a case of the wrong vitamin and mineral supplements. I been on the optisource for two weeks now and I am starting to feel a lot better. And that bluish gray color in my skin is starting to go away.But we shall in another two months how my lab work is. When they draw the full line of blood work again. IMO it pays to put a few extra dollars in what we should be taking than tring one that was only two less than what . I am taking now. IMO to think how hard I work to get where I am at with my wt lose and to go a head and. Screw it up by taking the wrong stuff. IMO this has been one of those hard lesson learned in my life Here wishing you the best of luck. Taichi.
on 3/7/08 2:11 am - Central, IL
I don't want to upset anyone, but I'd run --not  walk -- away from Optisource.  It took 3 years but our Bariatric Program has finally stopped recommending those vitamins and now discourages their use. They aren't all that you need and really aren't any better than the supermarket brands.  And they cost 4 times as much. Good luck! Deb
on 3/5/08 4:25 am
((((Anita)))), thanks for posting sweetie, I don't think we can ever reiterate enough how important it is to take our vitamins and get labs done.........I have seen myself get lax the past year, I'm working to be committed EVERYDAY again, I do well on the morning but my night time vitamins are hit and miss.......this is a wakeup call to all of us, yes someone feel bad and know something is up, then others like you and who knows who else may never realize it UNLESS we get labs done. It's going to be good though, I know your doc will help you get yourself back on the track you need to be on. Hugs,

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


on 3/7/08 8:59 am - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
Well, it looks like I was alil slow to be the first to slap you upside the head.

Dang, I KNOW I raised you right!

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

Carla W.
on 3/5/08 5:06 am - CA
RNY on 05/08/06 with
Girl.. I am gonna reach through here and pop you.. than I am gonna give you a big hug.  In the begining I was very lax about my vitamins.. I saw this happen to a friend and I started taking mine.  I am so glad I did.. so far my blood work comes back spot on each time, but I dont forget the imporance of taking those little pills.  You will get through this.. but lesson learned.. you will take them from now on.. right... good girl... thank you for posting this.. everyone needs to be aware of the dangers of not staying with the program.  Speed be with you on your way back to good health and we are all here for you supporting you one hundered percent,. Carla

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