Please take your vitamins and supplements
I thought, that because I have done so well with my weight loss and have kept my weight stabilized (minor problems here and there) that I was fine and doing well. I thought that since after my weight loss of 150 lbs stopped (two years ago) that because I felt healthy and look great that I didn't need to see a doctor for blood work...and I didn't need to take all the vitamins that made me constipated or made me nauseas... I thought I was eating what I needed...Heck, if I can gain weight, I must be absorbing my vitamins with all those calories, right???? ::::::WRONG::::WRONG:::::WRONG::::: Oh yes, I absorb calories alright...I eat healthy alright...and I also malabsorb my vitamins and minerals. Maybe we are not all as sensitive as I am...but why risk it??? I am not looking forward to what is yet ahead of me to remedy this mess I caused myself...I don't feel sorry for myself. I'm pissed though. How could someone so diligent and commited make such a stupid mistake? Well I did and I'm going to pay for it. I don't want to scare anyone just because I am a little scared. But if you are not taking care of the health part of your WLS...I want you to start now to be a worried enough to get your labs and make sure you are doing well. It takes a while to get to this don't wait. New tests yesterday show that not only am I anemic...but I am deficient in Vitamins A, and Magnesium...and close to Vitamins E and D deficient too. I am slowly losing all my bodies stored supplies of nutrients. I am good on protein, calcium and my cholesterol and fat and heart is fantastic. My blood is starving for oxygen and they are competing with me for every breath I take. And the thing is...I feel FINE!!!! Now that is scary! I have been carrying around my blood tests in my handbag in case something happens they might find them and help me if I can't tell them what's going on. Right now I am on a toxic dose of the grossest bloody tasting iron pills! It keeps repeating on me like a mouth full of blood. It's disgusting and making quite queazy. Pepermint gum helps...kind of. I am 4 years post op! FOUR YEARS!!! It took that long to get to this point. I beg anyone who also thinks they are invincible and that their body still works the same as before surgery to know that it doesn't! It will catch up to you if you are not keeping an eye on these things by getting labs and taking the darned supplements. Just take them! If your body doesn't need them, they will flush out and don't stop unless your doctor says it's okay. Please take care of yourselves...Stay healthy my friends! Watch me get this beat! Anita
Lap RNY 5/7/03
I lost 50+ pounds of regained weight with hCG drops.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining