Question about my weight gain

RNY 5/27/2002

Hi Lorri, Fitday is helping me to make sure I am getting enough calories and protein. In order to loose 1 pound a week you need to drop 500 calories. For 2 lbs. 1000 calories. I stay below 1000 at all times. I eat only low calorie foods, mostly fish and when I don't want fish I drink LoCarb Slimfast (no sugar in it) and I add unflavored Unjury Whey to that which rounds out to 270 a drink. No that I am off carbs again, thanks to 5day I am back to doing what I have learned works for me...2 days a week I only do shakes. If I decide to eat those days then I still make good chocies. Thats what its all about find foods low in calories and you can have quite a bit. I get full easy but scallops, tilapia, shrimp etc...all very low in calories but high in protein. Good the way my daughter's name is Lori so you know you are already a favorite of mine. Keep trying you will get great advice here,
~Ginny 22
Hi! Well, i hope that at least you know you are NOT alone! I think you are right about the nut too but hopefully things are better now. My doctor asked me if I snack and I said yes and he fussed at me...... What diff does it make if I eat 6 small meals a day instead of 3 bigger ones, as long as my calories are the same? I know WLS should eat 3 meals, but I can't seem to do it anymore! Anytime you need to talk, let me know and I wish you all the best of luck!!!! Lorri
RNY 5/27/2002