Late BLOOMER......Is it too late?
Hello My Fellow Surgery Grads,
I am one year and about 2 weeks out and to date have lost a WHOPPING 137lbs.....I'm still not used to the NEW me, but I'm getting there. The concern that I have is whether or not it's too late to BEGIN an exercise regimen. I have been BAD, BAD, BAD about exercise. I start for one week then stop and don't pick up for months and months....I have NOT been doing what I should. I am a DS'ER and I have been happy with my surgery, I've been very blessed not to have excessive amounts of skin as do a number of other people who may have lost as much as I have. However, there are some TROUBLE areas. I really need to TONE, TONE, TONE..... I am now within 20lbs of my goal weight and am really at a cross roads. I'm wondering if I need to really start saving for plastics or try to work out on my own. My question is, are there any other later bloomers out there who were able to achieve success AFTER they have already lost the majority of theirweight? I'm wondering if my body will even respond to all the vigorous exercise at this point since there is some extra skin there......Anyone who has has acheived positive results after their one year surgiversary, please respond.......
Thank you...
Just wanted to say that regardless of the body response or if you'll still need plastics, etc... it is NEVER NEVER NEVER too late to make exercise a part of your day....!!!
More than the outer benefits (which you will get for sure), exercise will benefit all those important parts inside the body, and IMHO that's so much more important!
And hey... WELCOME!!!!!!!
p.s. I have been just like you about exercise, btw! But I am diligently working on changing my whole exercise attitude, because I know I need it to #1- lose the rest of the weight, and more importantly #2 - to maintain once I reach my personal goal. So, that's my motivation to get moving and keep on moving! It's not the easiest thing when the couch has been more appealing to me for so long, but I'm gonna give it my all and go from there ;-)
Great loss!!! And welcome to the grads board...Lemme tell ya...I didn't go to the gym or anything but I did do a bit of heavy lifting...and got in some seriously good exercise on my job...
It is never too late to tone your muscles...Not at all! My skin still gets tighter every year! I'm not joking! I do toning exercises...(I use skim firming lotion faithfully) I don't know that it is the reason, but if anything it sure keeps my skin soft and I might as well keep using the firming stuff! I love the Nuetrogena with active copper Skin Firming. Plus I make sure to get all my water requirements and I swear by eating fresh veggies and fruits daily! I think I just got lucky with my skin...It's certainly not perfect... and there is room for improvement! But It looks pretty decent...A little wrinkly...I can see muscles under it and that helps make it look better.
Save anyway...and this way if you do get a good gym body you can take a nice trip somewhere warm to show off your bod! :)